Monday, March 21, 2011

1) In the far west
2) Drop dead
3) Miss lead
4) N.A.


Chen Hanwei has been diagnosed with malignant lung cancer.

In the 9pm show at least.

It sparked a thought in me; how would you live your remaining time if you knew you only had a few more months?

I would draw out a timetable and plan everyday to the fullest.


A few days ago I was just chatting with my friend. I asked if she had a "to-do-list" of items while she's still alive.

Mine are:
1) Sky dive
2) Return to USA, to all the places I've been
3) Scale a mountain
4) I should start thinking

I'm going Mt. Kinabalu in August. That kinda eliminates no. 3. I plan to do 1 within the next few years. I'll do 2 when I'm in my 40s. Okay, maybe 50s.

I have a friend who tendered and had some time before his next job and guess how he chose to spend his time?

A month at Shaolin. Now that's something damn interesting.

I realised time passes too, too fast for us to apprehend. I'm just living everyday like a high-speed train - chiong and chiong, looking forward to the weekends. Saturday and Sunday whizzes by even faster, and then the cycle repeats itself.

And I'm already turning 27.

Have you ever taken your foot off the pedal, and reflect hard about this - 20 years later, would you think back and sigh, "I should have done this when I was younger?"

I know I do not want to have that thought. And time is on my side.

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What a boring Friday night at home.