Monday, November 21, 2011

Random pics - of old school

Had 328 Katong Laksa for lunch. I think my last time there was 8 years ago!

The busy, narrow roads and the laksa reminded me of my teenage years, of which most was spent at Bedok area. My pals and I would take bus 10 or 14 down and stop at Katong area for meals, or the old-school Katong Shopping Complex for Teo Heng! =)

Omgosh, Teo Heng back then was real OLD SCHOOL. Prehistoric as compared to the smart finger-swiping touchscreen console now, back then it really depended very much on manual work. You would choose your songs from the lists filed inside a clear folder. You key in the song serial number and WAIT FOR IT. Backend in his control room, the shopkeeper would receive your feedback and then LOOK FOR, AND INSERT THE CD!!!

Lol. And you can't really skip the songs as you'd wish because that would only make the shopkeeper busy and confused HAHAHA.


I used to have a hobby of collecting sentimental items, for example movie ticket stubs. Only a few months ago I started to realise I have been doing that for totally no reason.

Now I need a good reason to continue keeping this stack of stubs.

I took a quick flip and realised one of my oldest is dated 2001 - Lord of the Rings.

Speaking of baseless collections, I also have a piggybank-full of old bus tickets! Haha those silly childhood tales - guillible and innocent, you'd believe whatever your mates say... Like for e.g. you know the peculiar numbers printed on the bus tickets?

If the 4 numbers at the top-right corner added up to 21, you can make a wish with it. On the other hand if they added up to 13, you can use it to curse someone... -_- oh boy.

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