Dear Ra is back in Singapore for his holidays, and I decided to be good for once (cos Xmas, Santa knows what I did last summer) and organise a gathering!
I called upon the power of 5 (excludes Arif cos he's bitching ard wif girls in UC Berkeley) and Miaosi.
We met up at Parkway at 4pm last Sat and took so long to decide where to have dinner. We finally settled down at Jack's Place and chatted and relished at the pictures of food in the menu while waiting for Ra to come. He reached at about 6 and we demanded food from the kitchen!

Delicious Rib-eye steak and not-so-good escargots.
I was a really picky customer. I requested for my piece of meat to be medium rare with mushroom sauce. However they served mine with black pepper, so I had it changed. The 2nd piece they gave me was also wrong... it was well done, not medium rare as I has asked for! I buay song, so asked the kitchen to change also... The 3rd piece was also wrong!! OK, just kidding, haha! The 3rd piece was finally correct, which I enjoyed totally. I hope the kitchen didn't find faults with me... the customer is always right ok! Besides, it's really their fault lor. I certainly hope they didn't spit mucus or dig their nose into my steak...

Pretty Xmas tree in front of boisterous Parkway.
After that the 6 of us squeezed into Ra's car to go his house! But _____ (adjective: fill in the blank yourself) Jx was a spoilsport and wanted to go home... despite Miao(work), Roy(float, but he's always busy anyway), Ra(lotsa frens to meet), BingKun(atomic bomb) and me(slacking) taking time off our busy schedules for today! But nvm, we know Jx is ______ (fill it up using your creativity).
Nevertheless, the 5 of us had lotsa fun at Ra's place! In fact, maybe more than what we'd have if Jx was present! (just saying to poke at Jx) We looked at photos he took in Cork Uni, and after that, his ever-amiable Mom invited us down for some brownies with ice cream.

It's always food galore at his place! Always filled with good food!
The brownies were excellent! After that we went to his room again and took some photos. =)

Then we played some card games and Ra was nice to send Miao home and the 3 of us to Tanah Merah Mrt.
Thanks guys for taking time out to meet up! I certainly appreciated everyone coming. Till next year, take care everyones! Thanx for the memories~ =]

Photo-taking FUN! (with/without Jx)
(Just kidding la Jx, we still love you)