Sunday, December 31, 2006


This entry is abit late due to late uploading of photos from Ra.


Dear Ra is back in Singapore for his holidays, and I decided to be good for once (cos Xmas, Santa knows what I did last summer) and organise a gathering!

I called upon the power of 5 (excludes Arif cos he's bitching ard wif girls in UC Berkeley) and Miaosi.

We met up at Parkway at 4pm last Sat and took so long to decide where to have dinner. We finally settled down at Jack's Place and chatted and relished at the pictures of food in the menu while waiting for Ra to come. He reached at about 6 and we demanded food from the kitchen!

Delicious Rib-eye steak and not-so-good escargots.

I was a really picky customer. I requested for my piece of meat to be medium rare with mushroom sauce. However they served mine with black pepper, so I had it changed. The 2nd piece they gave me was also wrong... it was well done, not medium rare as I has asked for! I buay song, so asked the kitchen to change also... The 3rd piece was also wrong!! OK, just kidding, haha! The 3rd piece was finally correct, which I enjoyed totally. I hope the kitchen didn't find faults with me... the customer is always right ok! Besides, it's really their fault lor. I certainly hope they didn't spit mucus or dig their nose into my steak...

Pretty Xmas tree in front of boisterous Parkway.

After that the 6 of us squeezed into Ra's car to go his house! But _____ (adjective: fill in the blank yourself) Jx was a spoilsport and wanted to go home... despite Miao(work), Roy(float, but he's always busy anyway), Ra(lotsa frens to meet), BingKun(atomic bomb) and me(slacking) taking time off our busy schedules for today! But nvm, we know Jx is ______ (fill it up using your creativity).

Nevertheless, the 5 of us had lotsa fun at Ra's place! In fact, maybe more than what we'd have if Jx was present! (just saying to poke at Jx) We looked at photos he took in Cork Uni, and after that, his ever-amiable Mom invited us down for some brownies with ice cream.

It's always food galore at his place! Always filled with good food!

The brownies were excellent! After that we went to his room again and took some photos. =)

Then we played some card games and Ra was nice to send Miao home and the 3 of us to Tanah Merah Mrt.

Thanks guys for taking time out to meet up! I certainly appreciated everyone coming. Till next year, take care everyones! Thanx for the memories~ =]

Photo-taking FUN! (with/without Jx)

(Just kidding la Jx, we still love you)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sem 3 AAR

OH dammit. I lost my post. Have to retype everything out.


Wells, Sem 3 wasn't as bad! It's quite good! =)

My hardworking (compared to the previous 2 sems) has paid off! I'm quite happy and satisfied!

However there's always a black shit lining behind every cloud. It's all abt ST2131. This stupid probability module I took was disappointing... I came out of the exam hall feeling at least a B+, but Mr GAN gave me a freaking stupid B! :( sad. WHY????! WHY, MR GAN??? WHY?!?! I attended all but one of your lectures! And the one I didn't go for was the last one, because it's out of the syllables! I did all your very tough tutorials faithfully! I printed out every page of your lecture notes! I....I.... I'm disappointed. :(

Later that night, Mr-Know-All Lip Tong (it's a compliment) told me the bad badder baddest worse worser worst news. This stupid ST2131 module is a preclusion module for my core module MA3501 next sem! Which means I have to appeal in order to register for MA3501. Though the appeal will be 100% successful, it means ST2131 will NOT count towards my graduation requirements! i.e., it will not add up to the 160MCs I need to graduate! Which means, I have to take 164 MCs now!!!!


Then ST2131 is what?!?

This piece of shit news came to me like a Boeing 777 whammed full speed into my face.

Not only did I waste one whole sem studying for it, doing the tutorials, going for lectures, I could have used the time to clear another module! WHA KAO. And the worst thing is, stupid ST2131 is like a million tonne weight pulling down my CAP. Mr-Optimistic Lip Tong advised me to look on the bright side, saying that ST2131 will be a good foundation, then I'll get an A for MA3501.

Well, I certainly wish it is. :( But but, if not for stupid ST2131, I'd .. I could have... Nvm liao...

Fellow ME students Jx and Yeee Yixin also took ST2131 previous sem. But when I flew the Boeing 777 to them expecting a "HUH?! WHA LAU?? HOW COME? THEN I TOOK FOR ****??!", the Boeing 777 was like a minuscule oxygen molecule into their nose. They were quite ok wif it... HUH, why they like nothing to it one? Because Yeeee Yixin needs it for her minor la. Though Stupid Jx doesn't have minor, he also needs to take 164MCs same as me, but he happy like bird cos his ST2131 is a jet rocket pulling up his CAP.

-_-" FINE.

Thermodynamics! I know my msn nick had been "Thermody DIE DIE DIE!" all sem, but it turned out to be quite ok! HAHA. Was very satisfied wif it, but only lucky cos the last chapter didn't come out.

Engineering Visualisation and Modelling was ok, but I think could have gotten a grade better if I was more prepared for tutorials.

Fluid mech MAD MAD MAD? Yes, the paper was mad. My final paper, I thot I could happily, joyfully, gracefully jump out of the exam hall, instead I dragged my feet out wif a heavy heart... Very difficult paper leh... But as Mr-Tea Lip Tong said to me once, "Believe in the power of moderation", I got a satisfactory good grade! HAHA.

Mechanics of Materials, I told u guys that day that MOM raped me rite. But I actually benefited from it! I guess it raped the other guys more badly. haha. I was totally shocked when I saw my grade for it. Still clueless why, but Me and Myself believes "If it ain't bad, don't ask why". HAHA!

Finally, Sensors and Actuators, easiest paper in my opinion, hence is very satisfied wif my grade. =) WELL DONE WELL DONE!


I must thank myself for working harder this sem! And I really worked hard on my sem3 resolution, i.e. not to sleep during lectures!! I did it! Kudos to myself! Also kudos to my lecture mates StuPid Jx, Fab, Yeee Yixin and Tartar Tata for encouragement! Also special kudos to Bee for the birds! She gave me alot of birds! =) thanks everyone!!

(It does not mean I'll share my CAP wif u guys.)

(Not even possible! MUAHAHAHAHA. )

I'll work hard for the next few sems definitely! I'll make sure I get some more jet rockets to propel my CAP up up, and away~!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


My heart is beating at 1.5times normal rate.

Results out at 6pm, it's 6.48pm now.

Just had dinner, couldn't eat properly. Heart kept skipping beats.


Very scared. I want my efforts to be paid off this semester. Really really.

Wish me luck!!!! More birds, I need many many birds!!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Hot Auction! Up now for grabs! Offer only for Christmas period.

Insomnia? Do you have difficulty falling in deep sleep? Do you wish to have sweet dreams every night? Do you want to wake up, feeling super refreshed? Wait no more, check this out!

Description: Standard cotton pillow. Ideal support for the neck. Guarantees a good night's of sleep. What's more, sweet dreams are provided only at an additional $20.

Starting bid: $10.

Minumum increase: $2.

Auto-win: $50.

How to offer: Contact Me and Myself by the tagboard, or dial 1900-912-8444 after office hours. Charges are at $0.30c/min. Children below 18 years old are required to first consult their parents.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Happy 22nd birthday to Me and Myself!


Me and Myself is 22 years old, officially. So old already... Wah Wah... no accomplishments, nothing to be proud of as of yet...


Cake from Premi Deli. VERY VERY VERY NICE. My family always buy this for birthdays for many years liao. HAHAHA!

On the 14th, I was glad my dearest buddies Busy Roy and Jx could take time off to celebrate with me. We went Kbox at Marina before walking over to Chong Qing Steamboat at Bugis! However, the place wasn't as comfy as what I had imagined it to be. It was raining as well, so we decided to hop back to Marina for Pariss.

Bloody hell, the entrance fee is $38.80, not including 10% service and 5% GST! (gonna be 7% soon bloody hell) So we roamed around and settled down at I-think-the-name-is Yuki Yaki. Coincidentally, it is just beside Kbox. LOL! -_-"

Steamboat and bbq do-it-yourself buffet, the food is not bad! Especially love the sambal sotong and sambal dory. Busy Roy and Jx cannot make it.... full after 10 mins... Jx gorged himself with sushi rice while Busy Roy stuffed himself with baby octopus. They were already groaning away when I was still cooking chicken wings... Jx bragged that he is so full, the food is at his throat, and it'd leak out if he tilted his head.

After I filled up my throat with food too, we went slow walking to help digest! We wandered to the Esplanade, Raffles Place, Chinatown, before balik kampong at Tanjong Pagar. Busy Roy lives up to his name, he has to go back Hall to make myself busy. So me and Jx took the choo choo train to tamp and home!!

Oh ya ya... What did they give me????????????? I got some qualms about posting up the pic because I don't want ppl to see my ugly face. But never mind, let you all see la.

But sorry, I donned a mask.

YES! It's an original Arsenal Home Jersey! I love it! Thanks guys! ^_^


On the other hand, Buzzing Bee is still buzzing away, burning midnight oil to get my pressie ready. Haha. It's ok Bee! Doesn't matter if it's late, I'd love it whatsoever. =) Just the sincerity will do!

As for other readers...hello peeps.... where are the gifts....


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quiz 6!

What's up?

Quiz 6 is up.

And the category is - "Brand".

Yes, it is a one word answer... it's the name of a brand! The first picture represents the first syllable while the 2nd pic represents the next.


Monday, December 11, 2006


The other day, we had steamboat at home!

It was great, especially the soup. Whee!

Doing volunteer work at CGH tml. Bad news: have to reach at 7.55am... -_-"

Me and Myself's Birthday 3 more days! Hmm....... Chong Qing steamboat or Family(Pariss) International Buffet? Hmm... or do you guys have other recommendations?

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Check this out!!!!! (especially Shingkit)


Shingkit, I also won't lose to you!


I visited my and saw this! Click on images to enlarge!

Obviously somebody searched for "me2143" in and came to my blog! LOL! me2143 is one of my modules this semester! Sensors and actuators. I was wondering "Wha lau! Who so hardworking, go and search for me2143 past year papers on google ar?!", so I clicked on the magnifying glass and behold....................................

What the hell?! From Massachusetts Institute of Technology! MIT!

And as you can see from here....

MIT is 3rd best University in the world!

NUS students taking the same module as students in MIT???!!! Not bad leh NUS!


Ok la Kit, you still win ok. MIT 3rd, Harvard 2nd....

Anybody has visits from No. 1? LOL!!

Quiz 5

Say Yo!

On the 7th of Dec, we had our biannual CG outing! We went to Vivocity for dinner! "HUH! Vivocity again?!", you all might say. But no wor, 6 out of 8 of us were there for the first time only....

YEA wassup!

After wandering around the very big place for halal food, we finally settled down at Fig and Olives. I had creme chicken pasta.

After dinner we went to the swimming pool at the top and chatted for quite some time. I was amazed how Shingkit and Janir can forget some of our cg mates... /slaps forehead.

Vivocity very big neh. But I think it's a nice place to spend time... I plan to bring my Bee there someday! =)

How are your holidays coming along? I'm having tons of fun. =) lol. Yesterday met up wif Bee for lunch, walked walked, then met Busy Roy and Jx to discuss on our secret mission. Yes! We're finally doing something constructive, we even invested $ on it already! But it'd be still some time before the whole thing can come out, but one small step for us, one big step for mankind. We need to do more research and more investment. We machoped at night.... and had roti prata at the coffeeshop nearby. It's nice just to slack and have fun together wif good company!


Quiz 5 Quiz 5 is up!!!! Is it 5 or 6 already? can't remember liao leh! LOL! I think this is a pretty easy one. Bee bee, can solve? =P

And the category is - "THING".

Hints: One word. Only mountain tortoises have never used it before.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm as free as a free Willy now!

YES! I leaped out of MPSH 2A after my last paper like how free Willy leaped over the barrier in the movie. Okay, I was joking. I literally dragged my feet out. Cos Fluid Mech is going to be a disaster. HELP.

Anyways, sorry guys for the late post! HAHA! Was too busy enjoying myself to the max!!! After my paper, me, Busy Roy and Jx went Bedok 85 to eat!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Bbq sotong, Oyster omelette and BBq stingray!!! Not Triple-O this time cos Roy wanted to eat as well. LOL.

And yesterday, there was soccer in the morning! Not very fun, didn't play very well. In the afternoon I went to find my pretty girlfriend, went home for dinner, then out again! To Busy Roy's house for 2 rounds of MACHOP! (aka Mahjong) It was very fun, been some time since we last met Khoonsmedic. But the majority of the fun came because we knew it's the hols now and we have nothing to think abt really! (maybe except for Busy Roy, cos you know, he's always Busy) I da-bao-ed bak chor mee home to makan before watching Arsenal play Porto. Boring 0-0 game, but it was good enuff to see both sides thro to the knock-out stages.

Going CGH later for a briefing. After that going VivoCity to meet my CG friends for dinner... JB trip postponed to next week.

Yes yes, I know you guys have been craving for my quizzes! Itching for them huh?!?! LOL. Just kidding, it'd be up soon! =)


Do you guys love Indian food? I love Indian curry. They're so fantastically fabulous relishingly tantalizing superb.

These pics were taken at this Indian restaurant at Raffles City. I highly recommend it! If you have taste buds that love spiciness, you'll love it. What's more, the garnishings and diced onions make the gravy all the more lovely. Goes well with naan!
=) My family and I always never fail to finish up every mm^3 of gravy.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Strongly recommends - Tandoori Chicken, Vindaloo(super spicy), Masala(spicy and tasty). Omg. Slurp Slurp Slurpppppppp.



Monday, December 04, 2006


OH hohoho.

HOHO. Not merry christmas. It's cos I survived from MPSH 6 after a 2 hour battle with ThermoDIE!

I survived!


24 more hours, and I'd be free free free Willy.

More quizzes to come =)

Friday, December 01, 2006

I survived!

You guys should be happy because I'm still blogging! Which means the paper this afternoon was ok! It didn't kill me!


Ok, it was an okay paper. After doing past 2 papers for ST2131, I thot today would be a killer. But it was easier than I expected! I believe it's due to this 2 reasons: 1) Past years were open book, but mine is helpshits.
2) My expectations were too high.

BUT BUT BUT still, there were some I didn't know how to do, and most of them I'm not really confident, but I just hope I did them correctly! Please!!!!!!


What do you guys do 5 mins before entering the exam hall?

Do you:-

(a) Chit Chat?

(b) Go to the toilet?

(c) See the hunks and chio bus around you?

(d) Stone??????


(e) Say your last prayers?

MoM raped me

Yes, it's true.

MoM raped me.

Not denying.

It's the truth.

Damn Mechanics of Materials ME2113.

The questions were shockingly different from the past years la! All diagrams never see before one!

Dead. Raped.

Probability paper tml. P(paper will be easy) = 0.

Or maybe it's because P(Me and Myself is stupid) = 1.

Either way, I'm gonna be fragged tml again.

YE at school