Thursday, May 31, 2007


woo guys.

been so long since I came online. The stupid hostel doesn't have internet as of yet, and we're all so pissed by it. hahaha. anyways, updates on what's happened so far!

Successfully passed my Lifeguard training, and i'm now a qualified deep water lifeguard receiving hourly pay of US$8.75 per hour! Woots!! That is ALOT! I'm assigned to 2 places to do my job. At the Pipeline Peak, I do dispatching and unloading. Which means I tell people to get into the tubes and go in, unloading means I ask them to get out. Lol. It's fun when you get to see all kinds of people and interact with them. At the Tidal Wave Bay, it's actually a pool with artificially made waves, I'm a sitting lifeguard, where I sit there and watch out for any unusual activities that kinda stuff. The job's not boring! We're all having fun! =)

Today's my off day. We get one off day per week. Everyday we work from 11 to 7 during weekdays, and 11 to 8 on weekends. That means LOTS of money yay! ^_^ Finally got one off day after 8 consecutive days of work, that's some relieve.

Everyday has been microwave day! Either it's instant noodles, or it'd be pasta. Heh heh. And I bought hotdogs and eggs and lettuce to go along with the food, super tasty!! I bought bananas for fibre and vitamins. Oh btw, we always pack lunch to work. I pack sandwiches with ham and lettuce or peanut butter. WOO! I specially enjoy self-made food.

Kroger is the name of a supermarket chain in USA, and the stores are really big. Though not as big as Walmart, they have almost all necessities. Since we're all budget spenders, we always go for Kroger brand of food, milk, supplies etc. HAHAH! But they also taste good!

Life's pretty fun still. =) Enjoying work. OH YA! The other day, we gathered a group of friends and walked over to "eastern buffet" for dinner! You should have seen the expresssions on our faces as we walked in. Food we all missed!! They have heavenly plain white rice, superbly fried chicken wings, tasty spicy sour soup, good fried meat dishes, excellent fried shrimps with capsicum and onion, fruits and dessert and ice cream! We missed asian food so much, we gobbled them like prisoners of war unleashed. I ate till I almost vomitted, but it was without regrets cos the food was really soooooo great. Including tax and tips, each of us paid only US$8. Damn nice! We all swore to go back soon. HAHAHA! Btw I thought the restaurant owners were rather taken aback at our uncivilised eating manners.... HAHAHA!!

Food food food! Yet to try out Krispy Kreme (best donuts which melt in your mouth) and Bottoms Up (Best Pizza in Richmond). Definitely will conquer them sometime soon! Updates till later. I hope you guys have been taking good care of yourselves!!

see you guys soon!! =)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Food food food....

I've been in lovely USA for a week already...

I love pasta and pizza! Been having these for the past few days, but they still always make me excited when they appear in front of me. HAHAHA.

But but but... I'm missing lots of other things... =(

Things like:
- Char Kway Teow
- Nasi Lemak
- Wanton Mee
- Chicken Rice
- Prawn noodles
- etc etc etc!!!

Ivan and Roy brought instant noodles from Singapore... you guys know the Myojo 100 Char Mee? And the Maggi curry mee?? The supermarkets here don't sell them... and it makes me so envious when Ivan and Roy slurp the noodles in front of me!!!!! ROAR!!!! I want them too!!!!!!

MUMMY!!!!! DHL them to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost heaven, Virginia

Hello guys!!

The past few days were rather relaxed and fun. Yesterday we had a day off, so we went down Maymount Park. When it's a park, it's not like Sunplaza Park or Marine Parade Park. It is really a huge piece of land with trees and grass! HAHAHA!! The scene was lovely.

We've been doing our own cooking many times already, and everytime is so fun and satisfying, especially when you eat your own cooking! Although there's only a microwave available, we've made instant noodles, pasta, salad, roast chicken etc, so wonderfully fantastic! ^_^ And I bet nobody else has so much fun as us! Down the food with ice cold Pepsi and have Ben 'n' Jerry's ice-cream for dessert... SUPERB!!!

Today we went down to King's Dominion (KD) again! We were all very excited because we were told that we would be testing out water rides!!! WOOHOO!!! After some area cleaning (zzzz), we finally went ahead to test out the TORNADO!!! Basically we take a 4 person float down a tube, swoosh down several drops and turns, then WHOOSH down into a funnel shaped tube, where we'd be washed up and down the funnel several times! So fun!!! But the water was freezing cold man!!! Super buay tahan! As they needed 100 sample tests, all of us went on the ride about 5 or 6 times each. HAHAHA!!!

The park isn't opened yet, so there aren't food stalls. All of us packed lunch! The 6 of us packed a loaf of bread, tuna, vege and that settled our lunch!! =) It was very nice to have everyone sit down, have a simple lunch and talk some crap in the cool weather. =)

We did Sai Kang the whole afternoon. -_-" zzz. We went to dump rubbish at the rubbish dump and discovered the area smelt like Pizza Hut, we really donoe why. Lol.

Tomorrow is an off day again... no plans as of now, but most likely going to shop for groceries! I'm missing meat here! There're very little KFC outlets here.. pretty sad! =( HAHAHA!

Photos photos!! Let's hope there're no problems with uploading them!! Have fun looking thro them!!


GRRRRRR. you guys have to hang on a little more. =)
How are you guys doing?!??!?!?!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The day he found us!

Uncle Phil has been succchhhhhhhh a great host. Besides having a car which we used to travel around, he brought us to great places for meals and taught us so many things in life money can't buy. =) It's a pity we couldn't spend more time with him as he had to go back to New York, but the time we spent together was enriching and super fun, simply loved him to bits!

Richmond town is not located within the busy areas, and buses don't serve during the weekends, so it's pretty difficult to get around, but lucky we had Uncle Phil. We got to Walmart, which is the largest chain of supermarts in the world I heard!! And it really was super huge. Getting from one corner to the next will get you panting. LOL. And the prices are crazily low. Imagine 24 cans of Pepsi for only $6 ok! And 24 cans of beer for $4. -_- I don't know how they do it, but everything there is really so cheap, I think you'll exclaim "HUH??!?!!" very loudly! Cos that's what I did.... HAHAHHAAHA! So paiseh.

We bade farewell to Uncle Phil at the hotel, but it was a very happy one. We're going to find him at New York soon! HAHAHHAHA. Back at our rooms, we changed into running gear and gathered in front of the hotel for a warm-up, and off we jogged 1.5miles to K-mart! The 6 of us were so hyper-excited while jogging together in the cool sunny weather, it was great! We sang songs while on the way and reached there in a whiffy!

K-mart is also huge, about 2/5 the size of Walmart. We went in search of balls, and created a wreck at that section HAHA! We hit the volleyballs, tested the soccerballs, played with tennis rackets, golf clubs, and finally bought 1 volleyball and soccerball back to play!!!!!!!!

After jogging back, it was already 7 but still very bright. We played 3v3 volleyball then 2v2 soccer before a few guys came down to join us! The girls went back their room while we played 5v5 soccer till dark.

This morning is the day we report to King's Dominion for orientation. The day went by pretty fast and it was time to go back! We heard they'd be organising trips to Virginia Beach, Washington DC and donoe-what, so we're all excited about going these places.

I think the past few days have been pretty fun and fulfilling and really so so enjoyable. I hope it'd be just so when we start work proper. =)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Virgin Cook

Woohoo! We woke up at 7am this morning and gathered some of our KD mates at the lobby for some frisbee action! The sun rises early over here and sets late, so the days are long and nights short. Love it!

We flew the frisbee embarrassingly lousy before having a short game of 5 v 5. Being 2-0 down, my team whooshed "Go go Tigers go!" (ignore this) and drew 2-2 within minutes! But suddenly Mr Ah-liang tripped over his slippers and slided on the rough carpark surface and dropped dead. He badly scratched his knee, elbow and toes. So eeeeeeeee~! how to bathe with those wounds lor. It was a sad end to the original liveliness of the game.

Anyways we set off for FoodLion which was 20mins walk away from Quality Inn. We discovered another Dollar Tree over there! WAKAKAKA! FoodLion is just like NTUC Fairprice, huge variety of products. We got some noodles, rice, a chicken and tupperwares for our lunch. HAHA.

After dragging our feet back to the Innnnnnn, we embarked on our virgin mission to cook by ourselves. Although half the rice was overcooked, the other half was not bad and the roast chicken (already cooked) was huge and tasty! =) We all had fun sharing and gobbling up the food in the hotel room. Yippie yay.

Mr Jx's dad's friend called Phil, lives in New York, and has just drove down 6 hours to welcome us! How nice! He's spending the night at Quality Inn too and ya know what, he's giving us a treat at the steakhouse for dinner later!!!!! I WANT A WHOLE ELEPHANT!!! Lol. I mean, he's really nice and affable, we're all so delighted to seeing him later. =P

Sorry for boring blog and lack of photos... HAIZ. :( the photos are with Roys!!!

Hope you guys are doing fine back home!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The first few days!

Disclaimer: For simplicity and convenience, Me and Myself will temporily finally show his ugly face. He sincerely hopes there will be no decline in readership after his pics are shown.


I know you guys have been cravinggggggggggg intensively for my updates, HAHAHA! (I made this up myself) Finally got the time to sit down and do some blogging.

Thanks to Chuantian and Shilin for taking time out to send me off at the airport! I had niang toufu and noodles for my last local meal btw lol.

Us before departure!

First flight - from Sg to Taipei. damage: 4 hours 25mins. The journey wasn't too bad, watched Norbit on board the plane wakaka! I don't know how Eddie Murphy can disguise as Mr Wong!! Tell me how he did that!!! Ok anyways we reached Taipei pretty fast and then waited for the next flight for a few hours.

At Taipei, before boarding to (NO! NOT Beijing!!!!) L.A.

2nd flight - from Taipei to Los Angeles (NO, NOT TO BEIJING LA!!!). damage: 11 hours++. journey was BAD!!! After a light meal, watch one movie. After that we were very sleepy already so we slept... But how to sleep in a semi-inclined position, with little leg room and constant whirrling noise???? I woke up 3 hours later lor. -_- So continued another movie, then they served breakfast at 6 plus. However, it was 7am in Sg, but 7pm at USA! LOL. Felt weird having to eat breakfast at night. Anyways, sorry for the boring monotonous blog, I'm digging out memories a few days old haha.

We finally touched down at USA! At LA, while waiting for transfer.

3rd flight - from LA to Atlanta. damage: 4 hours. We took their domestic airlines Delta and found it rather not bad. Slept most of the time.

final - from Atlanta to Richmond. damage: 1 and a half hours. Super looking fwd to touching down, all of us were so sick of being tied up in the plane, roar.

And finally..... we reached!!!!!!!!!!


Quality Innnnnnn.

We took a coach to Quality Inn, it was really rather QUALITY wor!!! HAHAHA. It's like a hotel standard, but pity we'll only be staying here for a few days before moving to Virginia Commonwealth Uni campus. It was 1.30pm when we stepped into the room, which is 1.30am in your home! After unpacking some stuffs, 6 of us went out in search for lunch in the vicinity. The weather is not bad, cooling with sunshine, but generally comfortable =).

Crossing the roads is pretty tricky... not much pedestrian crossings. Just wait for the right time and cross! After 2 hours or so, we settled down at Frendly's, which serves huge portions of chicken/steak etc. It was super filling and nice and reasonably cheap so we returned happily, joyfully and gracefully. Most of us couldn't cope with the jet lag and KO at around 7pm. WAKAKAKAKA!! Jet lag feels like playing mahjong the whole night long and finally sleeping at 7am, ya know? I think Joycie will understand! Lol.

Snoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I woke up at 1am. Dangs! No 3 no 4 lidat!!!! So I went back to sleep and woke up at 5.30am.

Breakfast was on the house. We took a bus to Willow Lawn which was a few bus stops away... In America, "2 blocks away" can mean anything from 5mins to 30mins walk. It's frustrating sometimes when you cannot even see what 1 block away is. O_O At Willow Lawn we found our favourite shop! Called "Dollar tree", everything costs $1. HAHAHHAA. Budget budget, we got some necessities and headed for the city centre. Every bus ride costs $1.25 man. Good thing is only that it's regardless of distance.

We opened a bank account each with the Bank of America before walking some distance to Extreme Pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The pizzas are huge!!!!!!!! And very very reasonable prices. Drinks are refillable! It was a very satisfying and rewarding meal after going hungry for "3 blocks down the road". Lol.

Extreme Pizza! Pics are at another comp... I'll show you guys another interesting pic of Me and Myself with pizza next time!

Sorry for boring entry.... :( Anyways after lunch, we made our way back slowly back to a convenience store near Quality Inn. At Walgreens, we bought drinks and Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Very cheap here!!!! It's about 1/3 of the price at Sg. Heh.


Tomorrow's weekend, and there won't be any public buses. We're still planning what to do for the weekend... tough when we aren't familiar with this place. So, updates later~~!!! =)

I must say Americans are really really really friendly!!! Super friendly and helpful and nice. They say "Have a nice day!" and "You're welcome!" twice as many times as Singaporeans say "wha lao eh!". The pace is also relaxed, not busy and rushing to claim discount lidat back home.

Woohoo, I'm enjoying it. Btw we have to report for work on Monday, so enjoy whilst we can! =)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tomorrow's the day! :O

Months ago we have all been looking forward to this day... and right now is the night! This is the night!!! Should we be feeling ultra excited? Very very amazingly, I feel kinda normal... WHY?! Hmmm... I really don't know why I feel this way. HAHA. But anyways, I hope we have a hella fun and enjoyable time at USA! =]

All's packed already... clothes, swimming trunks, sunglasses, money, medicine... Have I told you guys about the itinerary for the journey? LOL!!!

1) Sg ---> Taipei
2) (NO! Not from taipei to beijing) Taipei ---> Los Angeles
3) Los Angeles ---> Atlanta
4) Atlanta ---> Richmond

WAKKAKA! What a siannnnnn journey. We got a few hours in between every stop. I wish I wish there's entertainment on China Airlines man!! There'd better be a personal entertainment device! If not, I'll be so bored to my eyeballs, maybe I'll chit chat to the air stewardess!! (/me scrambles away before Bee can hit me!) Then again, I heard the air stewardesses on China Airlines, you won't feel paiseh to call them Auntie...

Anyways, in case their entertainment is freaking boring, I asked my friends to bring a storybook along with them.

I don't have a good digicam... Will be HEAVILY DEPENDENT on Busy Roys for photos and sorts! Btw, over the past couple of weeks, I took videos of Sg ya know... will watch them if I miss home or family. *sobs. (I've got Muar video too)


What will await us?? Stay tuned to will share with all of you out there my experience at Virginia, USA. =) Of course together with my 'lifeguard' duties, the food over there, the people, the culture...

Will I have fun at my job?
Will I get to visit Virginia Tech?
Does Krispy Kremes taste as legendary as it sounds?
Will I spend so much I'll come back only in a pair of jeans?
Will I get to see Spiderman at New York??

White Castle here I come to conquer you!!!!!!

******************Stay tuned******************

Monday, May 07, 2007

Hi all!!!!!

Hi all!

Should I feel like I'm leaving Singapore for 3 months? I don't...or maybe, yet to feel it. HAHA. Not in the mood yet!!

Anyways, it's Monday today. Met up with Bee and some of our common friends, then we headed for Bugis to catch Spidey! All along, I didn't have a good impression of the theatres at Bugis... I thot they were old, lousy sound effects, little leg space, the problem about the stupid head in front of you blocking your view etc etc. But hey! All the above didn't realise to me... in fact suddenly the leg space was splendid. HAHA. But hey! That doesn't mean I left with a good image of Bugis. Stupid cup of Pepsi spilled and soaked my pants. WHA LAO EH!!!! But neh-mind, I am a happy person! It didn't ruin my mood. =)

LOL. OK! Here are my reviews for the movie... In my opinion, not very excellent. Too much focus on heart affairs. I want action, dude!! :O And hmmmm, do we have any comic readers out there? Is venom really created that way??

Anyways! After the movie Bee and me went walking around Bugis junction before LALALA! We sat down at the Japanese food corner at the food court! At least can satisfy my craving for sushi, I had 6 salmon sushi. Not bad! The wasabi was excellent. Bee had 3 pieces of toufu which she enjoyed so much, she devoted 100% of attention to them. LOL.

Dinner was Ban Mian!! WAKAKAKA!!!

Tml's my last full day in sunny Singapore... let it be a good one! =)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

HAHA! A lil' error on my previous post. I mean, I'm a righty, but I also wear watch on my right hand!

I've been spending quite alot of money recently... sandals, shades, khaki pants... still got swimming wear to go!


Anyways, only 2 full days left in sunny Singapore... here's a record of what I've conquered before departure!

Bedok 85:
- fried cockles
- bbq stingray!
- hokkien mee

Opposite Tjc:
- Fried kway teow (best!!)

Opposite Beehive:
- Chicken rice!!

Opposite Tampines NPC:
- Frog porridge (first time I tried it! super good! The porridge was smooth and silky...went great with the gong1 bao3 sauce... slurp slurp!!)

Things left to conquer:
- Nasi lemak
- Katong Laksa
- More seafood

Final meal will be lunch at the airport... Hmmm... should I go for Ban Mian? But I'm scared the chilli will gimme stomach upset on the plane.. CHOY!

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Kena arrowed again... LOL.

Name : Dusty, Me and Myself
Birth Date : 15th Dec 1984
Current Status : Attached/online/excited about usa trip/abit apprehensive about leaving home sweet home
Eye Colour : brown!
Hair Colour : black with a few strands of silver white. :(
Right or lefty : righty, but I wear my watch on my left. I noticed many rightys do this too!


My Heritage : cantonese chinese
My Fears : disappointment, loneliness, regret
My Weaknesses : self centredness...
My Perfect Pizza : lotsa cheese, thin crust. HAHA, u guys know I don't like the crust???


My thoughts first waking up : If it's school days, it'd be "What day is it today???" If it's during like holidays, it'd be, "It's only 11!!!!"
My bedtime : Is normally after 2!
My most missed memory : Every moment of my life is worth reminiscing...


Pepsi or coke : Pepsi!! DEFINITELY!!
Single or grouped dates : dates as in romance or for fun?
Adidas or Nike : I don't know.. no preference! Yesterday saw a Nike T-shirt which bears this slogan: "A swoosh is better than 3 _________."
Tea or Nestea : isn't nestea a brand? how to compare with a drink?
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocololate
Cappuccino or Coffee : No preference!


Smoke : No. No way will I spend 10 stupid bucks on a few carcinogens wrapped in paper.
Curse : Only to myself when I'm real down. I am a very very polite boy! *grinz
Take a shower : daily
Have a crush : Nope...
Think you've been in love : yup yup
Go to school : I just had my exams HELLO!
Want to get married : Ya ya...
Believe in yourself : Hahaha. I think I do.
Think your a health freak : Not one.


Drank alcohol : yeahhhhhhhh.
Gone to the mall : Tampines, Hougang, or shen3 mo4?
Been on stage : Plenty of times hahahahahaha.
Eaten sushi : yes!! I love sashimi + wasabi! You just HAVE to take wasabi with sushi, they go together like oysters with omelette (thus, you don't ask for oysterless oyster omelette -_-). I can't understand ppl who say "WHA! I love Sakae Sushi!" but actually doesn't touch any raw food. HAHA.
Dyed your hair : yes yes! twice!! I want to dye again, right after I'm back from USA. They don't allow us to dye our hair at our jobs...


Played a stripping game : YES! On my mobile phone!
Changed who you were to fit in : don't understand this question...


To be married : around 30 I guess...


Best eye colour : Hmm... never thot of this before.
Best hair colour : I think the colour doesn't really matter, I'd go for texture, feel and smell.
Short hair or long hair : Define your long and short please.


A minute ago : WHA! I was being super busy. Was typing, breathing, respiring, metosising, meiosising, carried out peristalsis, dilation and contraction of muscles, blinking my eyes, filtering the air with my nostril hair, digesting my dinner, cracking my brain, bla blah blah... what else do you wanna know?!
Hour ago : Err, I think reading blogs.
4.5 hours ago : 10.55pm - 04.30 = 6.25pm. Outside shopping!!
1 month ago : may 5th - 1 month = april 5th. hmmm. Oh, refer to the my answer to the first question of Layer 10.
Year ago : may 5th 2007 - 1year = may 5th 2006. (wtf, refer to answer to previous qns)


I love : my family my friends and definitely FOOD! :D
I feel : thirsty + complications of worry and excitement
I hate : being taken for granted/commanded around
I hide : when I play hide 'n' seek.... abo?
I miss : when I fire M16 in the dark cos all you can see is absolute darkness.
I need : food when I'm hungry, else I turn angry. HAHAHAHA!


LALALA! All those who haven't been tagged, raise up your hands where I can see them!!
YOU! You, You , you and you! Go do go do!

You (1) = Crabby in chilli
You (2) = Frankenstein
You (3) = Raffles Hall girl
You (4) = Smelly kit
You (5) = The one whom I donoe you frequent my blog. =) tag me so I know who you are!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Welcome me back!!

My internet has been down for a few days, so very sorry for the lack of updates! Have you guys been missing my bloooooooooooog? LOL. Anyways, who uses singtel's 2WIRE modem? Lousy one. One year ago lightning struck and damaged it, I had to personally go down Paya Lebar to change it. One week ago lightning struck again! Stupid la. So my dad and I went down to ask for repair... but warranty over... cannot exchange le... had to buy a new modem. -_- Stupid. Anyways, I think we're switching to Starhub in a few months. HAHA.

And btw the cpu motherboard went bonkers along with the modem, so I can't upload my pics onto the comp, my blog will be very plain. :(

Yes! So I'm finally back!! WOOHOOOO! But why suddenly like nothing to talk about.... LOL. -_-"

I shall update on what my life has been about the past few days!!!

Monday 30th April:
- LAST PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!
- SUPER ENJOY!!!!!!!
- Played Citadel at Roy's house
- Supper! pics next time!

Tuesday 1st May:
- went Jx's house to use the net for awhile -_-
- nothing much interesting...

Wednesday 2nd May:
- This's the day we went to 'repair' the modem.
- Cut hair at Auntie Pauline's.
- OG outing at night! We went to Bedok interchange for dinner, then went parkway kbox, then east coast park!

Thursday 3rd May:

This is the most exciting day of all! Met Roys at TM to search for swimming trunks, we're gonna be lifeguards at USA! Was so taken aback at the prices yet ugly designs. Aiyo! Maybe a wiser choice to buy at neighbourhood shops.... LOL.

After that a very nice Ivan drove us plus Jx to Woodlands, where he parked his car, and we walked to the customs! We're going JB!!! ^_^

I think this's only the 2nd time I walked thro customs. And the last time was donkey years' ago. The walk was so freaking long. ZZZ. Finally at JB, we walked over to City Square!! Just in case you all don't know, that's the place to shop. Ultra big shopping centre with huge variety of products! It's so freaking huge, you can shop until you find the design you want at the lowest price! And by the time you do that, your legs are probably gone LOL!

Jx (he claims he was a worm eaten up by a chicken in his previous life) ate Marrybrown. -_-" After that we bought kaki pants required for our USA job, and took a cab to Taman Citi Whatever! DINNER DINNER! Pics will be uploaded later. Anyways, we ordered alot and ate till so full. But cheap cheap only. =D

After dinner we took a cab back to customs and embarked on the same old boring long route back to the car, was so exhausted after that I slept as fast as I reached home and bathed. And it was not even 12 HAHA!

We even met 2 of our friends at JB la, so qiao. LOL. Anyways, had to thank Ivan very very much.

Friday 4th May:
Is today! Finally could meet up with Bee cos her exams are over too! HAHA. Had lunch, then I went to meet my ME khakis at Cine Kbox. (Btw Jx had chicken rice for lunch prior to that.) WAKAKA! And we sang alllllllllllllllll the way till 7! Was a very nice outing because the only time we interact is during lectures! Photos next time! HAHA! Next time can go bowling ba I suggest! ^_^

Weekend will be for resting ba... HAHA. Only a few days left before departure le... Hmm... Will miss Singapore definitely...

That's all for this post! HAHA. Will be updating more and doing the tag (sheesh! got arrowed again) another time! =) Thanks for being so patient and visiting my blog!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...