Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Studious Me and Myself

It's 4 past 4am and I'm only going to sleep now!

My productive hours are from around midnight-2 plus am. LOL. that's not healthy. In fact, sleeping late makes one look old. :( No wonder I look like I'm 22 now. Ppl used to say I look like 20. :(

(get the joke?)

I'm aiming for very very good results this semester!!!! Because I only have:

1) 4 examinable papers which includes
2) 1 with the legendary help-sheet, another is open book, another is an essay module which only requires reading
3) I started revision early,
4) and the most impt fact that my exams are optimally spaced out,

there is absolutely no reason why I won't see Alot of Adorable Animals And Amphibians Already in Australia And Argentina Alright, Accompanied with Alot of stars Appearing on my comp screen!!!

:):):):):):):) *WIDEEEEEEEEEE Grin*


Ever heard of lecturers giving monetary rewards to every student who scores an A+ for his module? Haha. I did.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:48 pm

    really?! A+ got money?! mug more yar


Funny dad enjoying his travels. He rarely asks for photos to be taken of him and when he do, it's when he finds the view amazing.