Thursday, April 05, 2007

No lab no lab!

Today is the last day of my 3 day week! So Shiok! Never had such things before! WAKAKAA!!

Yesterday I showed Alex the Muar video... he came to school today and said I am evil! o_O WHAT?? He said I led him to spending alot of time watching that video and replaying it many times. LOL!!!! HAHAHA!! I've converted another Hip Hop Kaki!!

(btw for your info, I do not watch that video at least twice daily already, thanks very much for you concern. lol.)

This afternoon me and Jx went to join some boys play street soccer at the Tampines Stadium there. Wah!!! We super cannot make it leh! No stamina, no ball control, no finishing, play like bird lidat. Even the Junyuan Sec 2s were so much pro. :( Nevertheless, we had fun!!

Tomorrow is Thursday! FREE FREE FREE!!!! DO WHAT LEH!?!?

This will be me tomorrow:

Bored to bones. And glow in the dark. LOL LOL LOL.

1 comment:

  1. this is the another production from the same hip-hop kaki (the Muar Chinese). Check it out, very funny~


Sisters 💞