Saturday, March 29, 2008

Singapore Boleh!

OK, a super outdated post, but anyway here goes!

March 26 - Singapore VS Lebanon.
World Cup 2010 Qualifiers!

(God knows where Lebanon is)

Being the very enthusiastic Kallang supporters, Jx, Busy Roys (who brought his friends along) and I, plus Ivan and ShihLing all marched towards the Old Maiden Kallang Stadium in the evening to grab tickets!

Wha lao... got student tickets at $3 one leh. but only applicable to secondary school and ITE students. WTH?!? Why?? My Matric Card says I am a student ok?! Why so bias?! So other than sec sch and ITE students, the rest are very rich issit?! Though I live in a bungalow and have a couple of property in Malaysia under my name, nvm la, I in a good mood, so don't want to ka jiao them lor. So we all purchased adult gallery tickets at $10.

Since we reached much earlier than the kick off timing at 7.30pm (to stick our butts to the seats with a good view of the field), the stadium was still rather empty and the spectators were slowly streaming in.

The Lebanon players warming up.

And the LIONS!!!!!

The sky was clearing for the big match. It was drizzling before that. And by the way, Hang Ten doesn't rent umbrellas any more! T_T

Enthusiastic supporters group 1.

More Enthusiastic supporters group 2!

And so, they kick off!!!

Courtesy of No. 9 Duric's (36 years old) and No. 8 Winger's goals, Singapore won comfortably 2-0 on home soil. We could have scored more if not for very lousy finishing in front of goal.

Anyways only the section of the spectators in front were die hard fans, cheering and singing. But the section which we were seated in were quiet and emotionless. So sian lor. Only know how to clap only. Zzz!

And so... we all parted the Kallang Stadium, knowing this had been the last competitive soccer match to be held here, before it gives way to the new Sports Hub.

Friday, March 28, 2008

~Happy Birthday to Bee~

Today celebrates Blur Bee's 2*- years of existence on Earth!

Happi happi birthday to you, happi happi birthday to you, happi birthday to Fat Bee, happi birthday to you...~~~

Pics of birthday girl of cos!!



Wrong pic!

That was when I didn't return her calls.


HAHAHA. Just kidding la.

This is the real Happy bee =)


IQ test for ALL!!!!

Question: What animal does not have an even number of legs?

Heh, no, the answer is not a grandmother walking with a stick, neither is it a handicapped cow, nor a sleeping flamingo. It's a real thingy!

Haha. Happy guessing!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Good Breakfast! ^_^

Say bye bye to Monday blues with an ultimate good breakfast from Olive Cove, located on the 6th floor of Engineering Faculty Block EA.

Sunny-side up set, complete with tea/coffee - $2.90.

2 pieces of wholemeal bread spread with butter.

Choice of cold pasta, mashed potato salad or whole-piece potato salad.

Nice warm tea/coffee to heat up your engine for the long day ahead.

Baked beans and garden vege for a crunchy feel and aid digestion.

Eggs are nicely done, fresh and yummy. Don't poke at the poor yolks!!!

What a meal to start off the day!!!!! ^_^


But hey, I still managed to fall asleep during lectures hahahaha!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Super Heroes adapting to ever changing times.

And the most funniest of them all....


Dead over deadlines


It's retribution now.

My first half of the semester was soooo slack I felt uneasy.

Now that the semester is coming to an end soon, the project deadlines are all piling up!!!!

31st March - Engineering Professionalism Project Report Submission
4th April - Design Project Report Submission
9th April - Compressible Flow Report Submission

Siao liao.

And the worse part is, I haven't started on 2 of them.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Friday worth a gathering!

Yesterday was GOOD FRIDAY! Everybody rejoices because it's a public holiday!!!

But it didn't make any difference to me cos my fridays are my off days anyway. *smirks*

However it did make a big difference to my friends, and so we had a mini gathering! A Kbox session from 2 - 6pm! Then dinner at bedok 85!!! Sumptous food below!!

A corner of 85 was polluted with smoke from fried kway teow, fried prawn noodles, fried oyster omelette etc. It was so smoky you'd think ur specs was blur.

Below are the food 6 of us ordered. Some of the plates look half eaten cos all of us attacked the food before I remembered to take snaps of them!

All looks so delicious rite!!! YUM!!!!!!!

And you know what, nv forgo a cup of refreshing cooling ice cold sugar cane juice to top everything up!

After the very full dinner, we popped over to block 84 for session of board games at block 84. The place is called Hide-out! I felt that it was a good place to establish cos the area lacked entertainment places like this. The prices are quite reasonable too. Free flow of drinks also!

Had a wonderful day with my clique of frens yay~

But down wif flu today. :(:(:(

*sings to tune of rain, rain go away*
"Flu, flu go away, come again when I am dead, flu flu, go away, little kelly wants to play..."

Friday, March 21, 2008

I've got a name for my Lappie!

Thanks guys for suggestions on names for my 2nd wife - my Lappie!

Since I couldn't make up my mind on any, I decided to search for 'green' in the online thesaurus!!!


Main Entry: green
Part of Speech: adjective 3
Definition: emerald
apple, aquamarine, beryl, chartreuse, fir, forest, grass, jade, kelly, lime, malachite, moss, olive, pea, peacock, pine, sage, sap, sea, spinach, verdigris, vert, viridian, willow

Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)Copyright © 2008 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.



One word inside caught my eye straight, and it'd be my 2nd wife's name.



HI KELLY!!!!!! :):):)

What a sweet name for a happy lappie!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I LOVE my green Dell!!!

Yippie yay yay!!! Monday marked the day I officially received my lappie!!!

Here's the box...

Upon opening up the box, wafted the smell of new leather and styrofoam! The smell of new things!

Here's the Dell laptop bag which came along with it...

Next, below the bag! Lappie carefully protected by a layer of plastic!!

Come to Daddy! Daddy will take good care of you!!! :)

My Green Dell Inspiron 1420, ON MY LAP!!! Nice green rite!!! It's actually abit glossy! My frens alll "wahhhh" when they saw it. :)

But they also 'wahhh!' when they experienced its weight.

Opened up its mouth for the first time in history!!!

Happy me with my happy lappie! :)

Toeji asked me to give it a name!!! That was quite a good suggestion. Should it be a he or a her?

Toeji suggested Suzy.

What on earth. Suzy sounds like a girl with frizzy hair. LOL.

Guys!!! Suggestions!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 seconds of fame!

Here's the origin to my 5 seconds of fame on channel 8!! HAHA!

My first time on tv not counting being among many thousands during national day parade.

The episode was finally shown on tv just now! HAHA!

I've had comments from my frens like "aiyo your face appear so big lor"

"was so stunned seeing u i din notice wat u said"

"how come you can go there and eat??? i oso wan!!!"


Actually out of 30 who were present, we were considered lucky and honoured to be interviewed, then put on tv. Haha. It must have been the smiley face I created with the ribs ok!!


Musical Epoch III

15th March, Saturday

is the eve of the BIG DAY!

The Keat Hwa students from Kedah, Malaysia came down to TMS for a combined practice. It was the first time I witnessed students from both sides of the causeway play together as one big team!

It was good. I had expected the music to be very untidy because of the huge space in the hall and because they're playing together for the first time, but it turned out to be magnificient. All the starts and stops were synchronised, the pp and ff were highlighted and the endings wholesome and strong and powerful.

Pics from the day's practice!

That night, we had a formal dinner in the school hall. The caterers from ISS set up the tables and chairs and cutlery and utensils while the students changed into their smart school uniforms with ties and all. At about 7.30pm the guests and VIPs arrived. The VIPs include school principals, the sponsorship man, and a DATUK!!! So formal and grand ocassion! When they marched in, machiam like wedding dinner lidat, we all stood up and clapped while the spot light followed them in. LOL.

There were about 18 tables, each seated with 10. Comprising of about 2 alumni, 4 tms students and 4 keat hwa students. It was supposed to be an interaction session as well. Up served the food! Don't pray pray, 8-course dinner!!!!!! Comprising of:

- Cold Dish
- Fish Maw Soup
- Fresh Farm Whole Chicken in Tom Yam Soup
- Fried Fish Pieces in Thai Sauce
- Broccoli and Mushroom Medley
- Yam Ring
- Lotus Leaf Rice
- Mango Pudding

and free flow of orange juice! Good enough to be a wedding dinner in the CC! HAHAHA! All of us were already full after the 3rd and 4th dish. Including me! (which is a miracle)

(haiyah, now i regret not taking pics of the food. grr.)

Here's our table of people. Toeji, the keat hwa uniforms remind me of you!

Their school rules are very interesting and strict. Reminds me of last time's AHS. The girls are not allowed to have long hair! And I noticed their boys' are also cropped cut! They commented that Singapore is more advanced than Kedah and is cooler.

Anyways after the dinner was a mini interaction cum photo taking cum autograph session. Then we went home! Was so tired.

(Then later that night stupid Arsenal still can draw with lou ya Mee Rebus. Sickeningly irritating. ATROCIOUS!!!!)


16th March Sunday

is the big day itself!! Musical Epoch III, 7.30pm at Singapore Conference Hall (SCH).

I had nice yun ton mee for late breakfast. Heh heh. Cos I zai zai lunch will be horrible. Anyways, I reached school at about 10 plus to help out with the preparation. We shifted the dumb big bulky instruments to the foyer and up a lorry.

Upon reaching SCH, it was more shifting, this time from lorry into the building, and up onto stage.

The afternoon was busy with the rehearsing and practising of walk-ins. Lunch was a pathetic curry puff and muffin!!! Not even enough to fill the gaps between my teeth! :( You know I get depressed whenever my stomach doesn't get filled. But seeing that everything is going on smoothly was consolating enough. :)

Pictures from the rehearsal practice.

And the Keat Hwa rehearsing...

The girls kept drooling at the keat hwa conductor and teacher. Hmm... See the grins on their faces! Very shuai and cute meh... hmpf hmpf.

Then the big thing was nearing nearing!!! It was about 6.10pm that everyone went to get dinner. It was packed vege rice! Chicken wing and fried beans and japanese toufu. Couple of my juniors were jealous I could eat chicken wing with only my chopsticks. HAHA! After that we changed, dressed up and gathered back at the backstage... Time Check: 7pm.

Finally the concert was about to start officially at 7.40pm.

Had to maintain silence at the backstage where the students were excited and nervous. As the audience clapped to welcome the performers, I pushed the door for them to march out proud. As I watched them walk past me, I urged them to do their best. Even though I wasn't a part of the performance, I could feel their anticipation and excitement as they held their instruments, standing tall and proud to the applause. After many months of intense training and practices, this is the night, this is THE MOMENT. I've been through it. :)

They played great. Am proud of them.

In between the songs, my duty was to go out and arrange chairs and stands. I had 2 very cute Sec 1 students to help me!! They are soooo super adorable!!!!

The one on the left is Shan Ying from China, 15 years old. Her eyes are HUGE. The other is her good friend! Shawn (hmm...) is 13 and is very lady-like. When they talk to each other, they get very excited and happy like small children at the playground! I'm almost another mouse of the zodiac away from Shawn. O_O!!!

The performance was behind schedule by more than 30 mins... scheduled to end at 9.30pm, it was already about 10 when there were 2 songs left to play, excluding 2 encore pieces!!! In the end the encore had to be sacrificed AWWWWW!!! :(

At about 10.15pm the concert finally ended. The audience slowly left while the stage was cleared for a photo taking session!!! Almost 250 people!!!


The Keat Hwa students boarded their bus back to Kedah immediately after the concert. We all bade a good farewell to them. :)

After which came the most dreaded part of all.


That means from stage to downstairs to up lorry.
Then from lorry to 2nd floor CO room in school.

Lucky there were many helpful students who sweated out to help. :) We finally left school at GUESS WHAT midnight! Pity the students who still had school at 7.30am tml morning HAHA! Mine is at 2pm the next day! Anyways the alumni went Bedok 85 for supper before heading home at 1, dead beat and tired physically. But a feeling of achievement and nostalgia as we celebrate another successful Musical Epoch.


I've been through Musical Epoch 1, 2 and now, 3. Over the years, I've seen all the enthusiastic students going for practices, and trying hard and putting in their very best. I also see then students from epoch 1 and 2 taking part as alumni in Epoch 3. I've personally witnessed the growth and maturing of tmsco... Been a part of it! After 7 years, it's always heartening to know that tmsco is strong and stable. Especially good to know that the current students are enthusiastic and their love for co will forever be there.

I hope to see them in the future Musical Epoch. :)

*P/S: My muscles ached the next day after so much of working out LOL!!!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...