Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Lost my Sense of Actuators!

Today is my first paper ME 2143 - Sensors and Actuators!

After much anticipation and butterflies all fluttering in my stomach, I completed my first paper of Sem 3. It's one of those rare times I handed in my paper, and felt quite satisfied! Hmm, but I left 4 marks blank, and got some careless mistakes here and there....hopefully I get working marks! But I also lost some marks but can only "haiz!" that I didn't write additional stuff into my helpsheet. And I also spent too much time drawing the circuits out nice nice. Lol. Will they give extra marks for neatness???

Anyways, my favourite song currently is a MERRY CHRISTMAS! song by Jocie Guo Mei Mei! First heard it at Rollin-Busy Roy's house last week. And yesterday night, I had some difficulty going into Dreamland, so I switched on the radio and soon this song was playing! It jolted me from my lying position and I immediately recorded the song into my phone. Listened to it twice this morning, and since then, it has been running in my mind everytime my brain is free - including during my paper! It keeps singing "merry merry christmas baby....". -_- Not tat the song isn't nice, but it interrupts the circuits and voltage and motors in my mind.

Holidays holidays please come quick! 7 more days to holidays, and I already have had a rough idea of what I could do.

5th dec - Last paper! KTV at night.
7th dec - CG dinner.
8th dec - One day trip to JB.
12th dec - Volunteer work at CGH.

15th dec - Me and Myself's BIRTHDAY! (highly important)

25th dec - Christmas!
1st Jan - New Year's Day.
5th Dec - 8th Jan - Enjoy as much as I can! Mahjong, gai gai, makan, slack!

I have been craving for quite a number of food. After exams, I'm gonna conquer them all.

I also have a secret mission to complete with Rollin-Busy Roy and Hen-Lei-leh-JX! It's making us all very excited to discuss abt it after exams.


Already said it's a secret liao, why you so kay poh?

P/S: ThermoDIE on thurs. I hope I will survive from the battlefield at MPSH 6. Gotta go pack my full-battle order (FBO) for the tough shit now. Wish me luck!

Friday, November 24, 2006


u guys know I love dragonball? haha.

I always have this habit of searching my cupboards for comics to read when I study for exams... lol. and so over the past few days, I've been reading up on my Dragonball comics again! They didn't come easily..... I had to scrimp and save during sec sch days to buy them! And I took so great caution to make sure they're in good condition, I didn't dare to open up wide to read. HAHA. They are my prized possessions, I lock them up.

Some of my Fav characters~~!!!

HEHE ^_^

Congratulations to Arsenal for coming back from 1 early goal to win Hamburg 3-1 ! I knew they could do it... Come on Arsenal!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yes, the correct answer is "S-O-C-K-S".

Get it? =)

Congratulations to Kean! Well done!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Quiz 4 is up!

Difficulty level - 8/10

And the category is - "Thing"

Much to everyone's excitement, Quiz 4 is up! I thot of it while doing something this evening which I disliked. LOL.

Readers: Eh, wth is that 5 pics?! What are we supposed to guess?? HINTS HINTS HINTS!

Me and Myself: HMmm... OK lor.....

Hint: Each picture stands for an alphabet. Thus the final answer is a word comprising of 5 alphabets.

Good luck guys!!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Yesterday during Mechanics lecture, I was reading very focused on the notes, when a sea urchin jumped up onto my table!

Just joking, it's a hairband.


Exams are coming!!!!

After slacking hard last semester which brought about the fall of my CAP, I decided to work harder this sem! And first thing this sem, my resolution is to stop falling asleep during lectures again! And together with the help of lecture buddies Jx and Fab, I can now proudly say, I'm not snoring during lectures liao!! ^_^ HUrray! Zat's why I want to work even harder, and find my CAP a good resting place for the next few months. I can do it!

Ok guys, I really thank thank thank all of you for trying hard to solve my Quizzes! HEHE. I'm glad u all find them worthwhile to crack your brains over. =)

Quiz 4 is coming up! Watch out for an exciting quiz by this weekend!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hi guys!

MARY had a little lamb, fly Malaysia Airlines (MAS), and Jesus CHRIST.

AHAH! Yes, the answer to Quiz 3 is "Merry Christmas".

Thank all for participating! =)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Do Singaporeans listen?

Question: Are Singaporeans lawful minded? Do you think they listen and obey instructions?

This morning on the MRT, a maid beside me took out a kueh, unfolded the banana leave covering it, and fed her child with it...

Afternoon, I LOL-ed on the spot when I saw this scene.

Notice on the railing HDB painstakingly put up.

But, just a stone's throw away from the notice...


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Quiz 3 up for grabs!!!

And the category is - "Event".

I received feedback that Quiz 2 was too easy peasy. Ok, here's Quiz 3! Heh heh heh.

Happy guessing.

Hint: 3 words.
CORRECTION: 2 words, not 3.

Friday, November 10, 2006

The story of Crocs

If crocodiles' skin is so tough, what actually eats them?

There has been a recent increase in incidents of shoes getting sucked into escalator gaps. And from what I know, most of the shoes are the rubbery ugly crocs I told u abt! (look at october archive, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!)

These crocs, due to their rubbery material, gets sucked into the small gaps at the sides very easily, resulting in the below.

Poor crocs. Not only do I find them ugly, escalators also cannot stand them standing on them.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Hello people!

Once again, congrats to "meme" who just won himself/herself 1 year's free viewership to my blog. Could meme please leave your particulars so we can contact you shortly?

Btw, was Quiz 2 too easy peasy? HAHA. Keep a lookout for Quiz 3 which will be up within the next few days! =P

I played so much of Gunbound over the last few weeks, that my rank rose! =) WAHAHA! My rank, originally a silver battle axe, is now silver battle axe plus. (the blue ball beside the axe)

Me riding a powerful legendary dragon.

After sch today, me and bee happily, joyfully, gracefully hopped down to Tm basement for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Quick, grab a tissue now.)

I caught you drooling!

Check out this fat juicy piping hot chicken wing. Yes, that golden crispy one, not that green butt jutting out juicyly.

Food's absolutely gorgeous. I love chicken wings. It has been my fav since pri sch! I ate one almost everyday in upper pri. I did the same in secondary sch. And I'd have loved TJC more if they sold chicken wings. AND. I indirectly caused the death of 1 chicken everyday in army too. LOL! Ayer Rajah Camp is famously known for its cheap and big fried chicken wings. 70cents only!

That is why the army personnel at ARC always have difficulty passing IPPT. (I made this up myself)


Yesterday I passed by the central forum and bought myself a T-shirt. I also saw this shirt wif this very very interesting design, and asked politely whether I could take a picture of it.

Get it? =P

I personally think Busy Roy would have loved this tee. Wanted to buy for him....... but it's not his bdae yet. =X LOL!


Today is the last official lecture for ME2134. Mr Template was at his best again. As promised, I really didn't "tsked!" whenever he Ctrl-V his templates. However, the guys in front of me today took records of his templatation. A shocking 72 "basically" within 45 minutes!!!!!!!!!!! If you "tsked" every of the 72 times he templatated, you probably would have dehydrated urself already. -_-

He gave us a 5 min break, during which I hopped to Olive Cave to grab a iced-mocha.

While everybody was still chatting, walking around, laughing during the break, if you were the lecturer, what would u say to get your students back to order? Yes, as many other people would, probably it's something like "Ok students, let us continue now" or maybe "Silence please!". Instead, our Dear Mr Template exclaimed,

"As far as .. is concerned, ..."


Me and Jx immediately burst out into laughter.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Quiz 2

Have u guys done ur homework? lol.
Here is another quiz. Top prize, 1 year free viewership to this blog.

I think this is relatively simpler. =)

Category is - "Place"

Hint: It's an acronym, and it's a place found in Singapore.

Modeling ME2103

Today is the last day of ME2103's lecture and tutorial.

Frankly, I pretty much love this module, especially using Solidworks 2005. haha.

I really must thank my tutor for being so patient wif us! I could see he was really trying very hard not to blow his top despite Jx's consistent "cher cher cher, help help!" or "cher, lidat can or not?". And he was really helpful, going ard helping all those in need. This particular scene was when Jx tried to take a photo of the drawing sample, cos it'd only appear once. He grimaced when he saw him, and muttered "err, no photos please."

Then everyone started to whip out our phones and took photos. LOL!

This is the first time in NUS that I've ever gotten 100% for something! HAHAHA!!

Actually.... I got 100% for my previous tutorial also..... but HAIZ. Intended to start earlier to get more marks, instead backfired, and got 30% minused off.

I have this bad habit of napping after 8. CmI.

Prize has been given out!

A few days ago, I came up wif this quiz.

Category: "Thing"

The correct answer is - Liquid paper. GOT IT?

Thank you guys for the overwhelming response! The top prize is 1 year free viewership to my blog, and it has been awarded to Yixin. I thank all of you for your heartwarming response. For those who were slightly late, do not be disappointed. There will be a weekly quiz! =D Stay tuned for more exciting quizzes!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Do you guys know that my favourite anime is Dragonball? hahaha!

BTW! Is nobody trying to guess the IQ quiz I came up wif? Top prize is 1 year free viewership to my blog! =)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Blogger is maddening!


blogger lost my freaking post. DAMMIT. lucky I only typed abit. I was just saying, stupid blogger has freaking problems. Now u cannot upload pics, the next moment template changes cannot be saved, posts cannot be edited. DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS, whoever is in charge!!! BLA!

Anyways, (deep breath in, deep breath out), we went down to Goldhill Plaza at Novena to pay money for Work and Travel. I don't remember going to Novena Square, but zat's not the point. When I took the escalator up to inside the shopping centre.....

WARNING: Do NOT continue if your stomach is less than 90% full.

WAHAHHA!! nice nice food, be nice, be nice! WHEEEHEEHEE!!!

I ate the food in the 2nd pic when I reached. later when bee also reached, we had chicken wings and the shark cartilage soup! The shark cartilage soup was disappointing. I expected to see transclucent, chewy shark fins, but all I could see was mushrooms, egg, chicken meat and fake crab meat. The bbq chicken wings were ok, but what a place to sit down in front of, and eat fatty food...

Me and Bee were seated in front of London weight management. LOL! while eating chicken wings!

Outside Novena square...

Singapore is so cutting down on budgets, we actually have pipes as bus stop seats!!!

LOL. before I end this post, lemme give u guys a question! Pls try hard, cos the winner will again get 1 year's free viewership to my blog! Here it is!

And the category is - "Thing"


Friday, November 03, 2006

More to go!

Dear guys, I decided to add another entry to make up for the lack for the past few days!

During Mr Template's lecture.....

Jx was so bored he slept, and conveniently lay/lied/laid on poor Yixin's desk, who had to shift her notes away, in case he drooled....

And behold! FOOD PICTURES GALORE!!!! I'm so freaking hungry now!!!!

going to bed on an empty stomach.... I vow to eat alot tml!
Nitey!!!! =)

Tit for tat, That for Zats.

The very rare female lecturer in FOE is very entertaining, in a good way. haha. And she pronounces "that" as "Zats". The most interesting thing is zats, when her BMW 7series (=damn rich and high class) broke down, the Big-Mouth-Women (BMW) people requested her to fill in a survey form regarding what went wrong. And holy, the question was only 1 line, but she filled up the rest of the paper like a 20-mark question, using terms like buckling, stress, etc etc. We were all laughing while she read out what she wrote. She printed it onto a transparency, u see. haha. Zats was almost as funny as "NTU student survey".


Today is a Thursday which felt so much like Friday. WAKAKA! here comes my long weekend again!

I had already thot of what to eat for lunch today, yesterday!

Not Bak Chor Mee mai hum. It's pork ribs kway teow!!

I added mushrooms cos I was craving for them! hehe. anyways hor, mushrooms are good for everyone. Know why? Don't know? Ask OCBC. OK, just kidding. Ask him.

(scroll down)

"Mushrooms are good for u! They make u grow big and shoot fireballs."

Bee had ban mian, and added fried wanton. Her fav kinds of food are golden, fried and crispy. -_- (lots of saturated fats)

Bee enjoying the crispiness. lol.

In the afternoon, basically, as far as lectures are concerned, I had a nothing more than irritated time, AGAIN. I kept "tsk!"-ing whenever Mr. Template repeats his trademarks, that I kinda disturbed my lecture mates seated in front of me. =X SORRY guys! I'll try to cut down....

Zat's all for today! As I had promised, 100th visitor to my blog will receive 1 year's free viewership! Congratulations to i.p. address!!!!

(Note: I really don't know who the 100th visitor is. And btw, the i.p. address contains my birthday. LOL! *HINT HINT* No running away now!!! =P )


What's wrong wif Blogger??!
why cannot upload images?!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I hope you guys don't mind that my tagboard and everything are at the bottom of the page...

HAHA. these few days were rather eventless! Felt rather sleepy today, cos i woke up halfway last night to watch Barcelona vs Chelsea. I tell u, money works wonders. PUUUIIII. *rolls eyes*

Today, I overheard this while at yih canteen....

O_O Haha. No offence to the stall uncle who came from China, I just thot it sounded funny at that moment. But he said it very fast, it didn't sound wrong initially. =X

I'm in a food-craving mood recently! been craving for food, food and more food. T_T I'm spending so much on food.... Actually me and my siblings all eat alot, which prompted The Mother to once comment that, we're lucky The Father earns enuff.... else we'd long have been bankrupts at the rate we eat. HAHAHAHA.

Food pics galore! HAppy droolinG!
-_-" problem with blogger. I promise there'll be plenty of drooling pictures next time. now i'm hungry. NIte peeps!


Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...