Friday, November 03, 2006

Tit for tat, That for Zats.

The very rare female lecturer in FOE is very entertaining, in a good way. haha. And she pronounces "that" as "Zats". The most interesting thing is zats, when her BMW 7series (=damn rich and high class) broke down, the Big-Mouth-Women (BMW) people requested her to fill in a survey form regarding what went wrong. And holy, the question was only 1 line, but she filled up the rest of the paper like a 20-mark question, using terms like buckling, stress, etc etc. We were all laughing while she read out what she wrote. She printed it onto a transparency, u see. haha. Zats was almost as funny as "NTU student survey".


Today is a Thursday which felt so much like Friday. WAKAKA! here comes my long weekend again!

I had already thot of what to eat for lunch today, yesterday!

Not Bak Chor Mee mai hum. It's pork ribs kway teow!!

I added mushrooms cos I was craving for them! hehe. anyways hor, mushrooms are good for everyone. Know why? Don't know? Ask OCBC. OK, just kidding. Ask him.

(scroll down)

"Mushrooms are good for u! They make u grow big and shoot fireballs."

Bee had ban mian, and added fried wanton. Her fav kinds of food are golden, fried and crispy. -_- (lots of saturated fats)

Bee enjoying the crispiness. lol.

In the afternoon, basically, as far as lectures are concerned, I had a nothing more than irritated time, AGAIN. I kept "tsk!"-ing whenever Mr. Template repeats his trademarks, that I kinda disturbed my lecture mates seated in front of me. =X SORRY guys! I'll try to cut down....

Zat's all for today! As I had promised, 100th visitor to my blog will receive 1 year's free viewership! Congratulations to i.p. address!!!!

(Note: I really don't know who the 100th visitor is. And btw, the i.p. address contains my birthday. LOL! *HINT HINT* No running away now!!! =P )

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