Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quiz 8? or 9?


This Quiz is not for Jx, Roy or Bee.

This Quiz is meant for other NUS students!

Question: Guess a module NUS offers!

Monday, February 26, 2007


Everything's so against me this few days.

First, this happened.
Then that happened.
Next another this happened.

What have I done to deserve all these?!??!


If there's no Karma, I'll go do bad things liao! Maybe I'll still end up a millionaire and live up to 80 healthily! =( Someone enlighten me.

I am a visitor to Xiaxue's Blog, and an idea of hers really interests me. She says after we die and if we go to Heaven, we should be allowed to ask God one question. For example, "Who ate my cake on my 9th birthday?" or "Did sexy Nicole have a crush on me in college??" You know, this kinda thing?

I suggest we be allowed to ask unlimited questions, cos there're just so many I have unanswered. One of which is "Where did my bag of Jack 'n' Jills potato chips sour cream and onion flavour disappear to?!" It really vanished from my house - completely, and everybody claims they haven't seen it. Was I dreaming about the green pack? No, cos I bought it wif Bee. Were my family members lying? No, cos I know they were telling the truth. Abothen?!?! ALIENS?

Another would be -
(a) "Which idiotS stole my phoneS?" (note - plural)
(b) "Did they die a terrible death?"
If yes, refer to (c). If no, skip (c) and go (d).
(c) "Thanks, I love you"

As for my final question, I would ask, "Why the hell are we created?"


And God/Goddess better gimme a good one.

Good nites, world.

P/S: Would I get bad karma for the un-intended insult? If yes, S**T, because I have 3 tests next week. LOL.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ching is GAY

Yesterday is the 7th day of the Lunar Chinese New Year, and it's Chingay parade! Then I asked Jx, "How did Chingay come about actually?"

He replied, "Very long ago there's this guy from China who is gay."

I wanna say, it's not funny at all. It's not even lame, and it's not even corny. At least my corn joke reduced Bee to crutches. Haha.

Anyways, my best buddy Busy Roy who had been so busy the last few months he didn't even realise the GST will be increased to 7% (just kidding), had his KR Hall float in the parade yesterday! What an achievement! I feel so happy for him =)

Come to think of it, years ago me and him were playing marbles, playing hide-n-seek, catching crickets, swimming in the river, but HOLA! Look at how we have changed now! Ok la, I may be more suave and good-looking (bhb, lol), but he is the one who has a longer list of achievements to boot!


The Kent Ridge Hall float -
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And some other pics!!

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Neh ni neh ni poo poo, I have the ticket to enter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P

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Towards new heights.

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Getting ready for Beijing 2008...

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Having a BALL of a time!

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Ready, get set, GO!

Chingay was fun! I didn't know it could be this fun until I was there to witness. Being just metres away from the floats and dancers, I could feel their immense time, energy and efforts put into their performances. GOOD JOB ALL OF YOU! =]

Friday, February 23, 2007

All about flowers

Just after I published the previous post, dear cousin said:

Ørigin§ jialejiale says:
can you put a flower on my face

Ørigin§ jialejiale says:
YAR the pic that i closed my eyes! damn ugly

Okay then, I'm pretty good to my cousins. So Jiale, I'm reposting the picture, this time with a flower! JUST FOR YOU!!


I gave her a Rafflesia. =P


Refer to this.

This afternoon my sis witnessed a child's shoe getting caught in the escalator, and it happened on the escalator just next to her! It was at EastPoint Mall!

The very first question I asked her was, "Is the child wearing Crocodiles?"

Sis nods.

YOU SEEEEEE!!!!!! Told ya crocs are ugly and detestable! They also lead to freak accidents! Why are ppl still wearing them? They're safety hazards! The Gah-Men should ban them!!


On the other hand, my cousin complained to me just now that the CNY pictures I posted didn't show her face big enough.

So, to give her face, I'm posting her big face now. HAHAHAHHAA.

No censors!

She's studying in RMIT Australia. CHECK OUT THE HUGE PIECE OF MEAT! Now I can't wait to go USA and conquer WHITE CASTLE!!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

All about Law and Corn

Yesterday I went to catch local movie "Just Follow Law".

It was as funny as I thot it'd be, because Jack Neo's movies have all been so hilarious! JFL was still humorous, but much more slap-stick. My favourite character had to be Muthu, the security guard. HAHAHHAHAHA. Gurmit was professional, and surprising Fann too. I was seriously impressed by her 'no-questions-asked' acting, some scenes required real courage and she acted them out really naturally!

As many Jack Neo's movies have done, JFL brought out some problems we have been facing! Yes, why do we need to get approvals for this and that, why do we have to get through so many Gah-Men bodies before we reach who we want? Why are some ppl so afraid to do things that they think are correct? Especially true for guys who've been thro NS, WHY DO WE NEED TO WAYANG (PUT UP A FALSE FRONT) AND DO SAI-KANG (AREA CLEANING) WHEN THE BIG F***S COME AND VISIT????!

The movie also poked fun at last year's balloting incidents. Haha, pretty witty I thought, without making it too obvious.

I loved the movie's slogan - "Some things in life, it's not whether you can or not, but whether u dare."

How true! In my opinion I think Singaporeans listen too much. They're just so afraid of doing the wrong things, so they stick to regulations so blindly. Laws are meant to be broken, humans are flexible!


Enough of ranting, here's sth for you guys to lighten up. Haha.

Do you guys eat corn? (as shown below)

You know when you bite into them, you sure have some corn strands stuck between ur teeth, which then becomes very uncomfortable right? I think many of you face this problem!



"What is it what is it?! Tell me quick quick quick!" This must be running through your mind now! And maybe for a few, "What is it tell me! I gotta know how to get the corn strands out, because once I tried to kiss my girlfriend after eating corn, and she puked when I opened my mouth!"


The answer is shown below:

Scholl's 'Medicated CORN removal plasters'.


Those who missed me, tag me!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

I had a really really fantastic Chinese New Year!!

Some pics to show off to you guys!

(Damn! I had to spend some time editing my face -_- LOL.)

My uncle said we look like we're from the circus!

My idea to look like the buddha with a thousand hands!

Me with 2 fun cousins and my paternal grandmother, smiling with glee!

We wanted to show a contrast of our legs!
Hairy smooth -> Hairless smooth -> Hairy ROUGH -> Hairless smooth. And btw, the one with HAIRY ROUGH has a nickname called "mao mao" aka hairy. Lol! (At least mine is smooth PHEW)

The few survivors who stayed up till 4.30am to play games in the living room!


My family and I returned on Tuesday... It was very saddening cos we all were very relunctant to leave... We only meet up one a year! :( So sadd....

I was sad. Very sad... But on the brighter note, I'm glad that we have nice photos to capture the moments of happiness =)

CNY is gonna be over again, SO SOON! I hate saying goodbyes... for so long I have been looking forward to seeing them, and when the day finally came, it went by so quickly...

Hey, but have you guys realised, we have been pretty lucky for many years in a row already? Becos for the past few years, CNY happened to clash with our weekend, so we have an additional day of holiday! HAVE YOU GUYS REALISED THAT?! I think 3 days are barely sufficient! Because Singapore Gah-Men so kiam-siap, don't want to give more days of CNY holidays!!! WHY CANNOT SIA?! Chinese is the majority in Singapore! 2 days where got enuff?! M'sia has one week of CNY hols, in China they enjoy 15 days full!! I hope some gah-men official reads my desperate request for the CNY holidays to be extended by 1 day! :( please grant us this wish! Many many will be happy and grateful to you! After which you can happily raise the GST to 10%, we don't care!

Come on, be more flexible and make us happy! PLEASE!


Anyways, Happy Chinese New Year to everyone =)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy PIG Year!!!!

Hi peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wishing all of u a happy properous new year!!!!! I'll be out of this island for a few days to celebrate my favourite festival, and I know you guys will probably be missing me very much! HAHA! Aww... no more stupid crap to laugh at hor?

I love CNY!!!! I'll be back to update you guys on how my new year was. Hehe.


I was at Century Square yesterday and there was this "break the code" thingy! But first of all you had to spend at least $30 before you can guess the 6 digit code. I took part! What number would you guys try anyway? I saw people keying in "889988", "848848" etc. Wha. This is much tougher than 4D man! Stupid ST2131/MA2216 module has taught me how to calculate the chances. Striking 4D is 1/10000. Century Square people are smarter - chances are 1/1000000! If you manage to guesss it correct hor, the price money is $8888!

I asked Beebee if she had any intuition. She's my God of Fortune. LOL! But she had none. DAMN! So bo bian, I asked Mr Balloon. His intuition is not bad at times too. And thereafter I keyed in "008888"... *Adrenaline pumping!





What are you hoping to read? Of course I didn't get it lah. HAHAHA!!!

Promise me you guys will have plenty of fun! But take good care of yourselves too!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Wee (V) day!

Happy 14th Febuary!

Today's Feedback control lecture needed feedback. It was too boring. And with free water bottles on everyone's minds, we all gave negative feedback faces. Buay tahan liao la! So Me, Jx, Yeeee Yixin and Tata (who loves tartar sauce so much it led to tartar in her teeth) left the LT as inconspicuously as we could and dashed towards outside EA! Cos they were giving out free water bottles for ME students! WHILE STOCK LASTS!

HAHA! Some of our fellow ME2 mates were already there! HAHA! There were 3 colours to choose from!! So exciting!

Pink - smallest.
White - medium.
Yellow - large.

I chose yellow! Why? Because if you went MacDonald's and u know you can upsize without paying additional, of cos you will upsize rite! LOL! Ya lor, that's why I chose yellow lor. HAHA! No la, obviously pink is out for me. White is not bad also, but I preferred yellow cos it looks better with a blue cap, then white with a black cap.


From left: Tartar sauce (you can't see the tartar in her teeth from the pic), Miss Yeeeee, Mr Balloon, Mr Close-Shop.

Disclaimer: Picture blurity due to Jx's excellent photographic skills. (He'll kill me for this)

Poor Jx had to take the picture for us. HAHA. But anyway we call him the God of Gamblers, cos he doesn't like to take photos... at most can only take the back view... But that's when he's Beethoven (looks good from the back). Picture this...


(He'll kill me for sure)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Case of No Choice!


For the past few months I've been allowed to choose between the old Blogger or to switch to the new... But just now I wasn't given the choice to wor! Zzz! Not that the new Blogger isn't good, but I'm someone who doesn't like changes to my everyday life. Haha.

Anyways, it's HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! To all of u out there, have a great day! =)

I have a date with lab C6 at EA-03-05! Hmm... I hope it'd be romantic... candlelight experiment at least...


To Beee!

Happy V-Day! =)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weekend rocks!


WARNING: Long entry, you sure you don't wanna get a popcorn first?


I had a fantastic weekend, I hope you guys had a good one too! =)

Yesterday Me and Jx went down to Sim Lim Square, cos I wanted to buy a M2 1GB memory card for my phone! What I had was a miserable 64mb one, it was definitely not enough! U see, I could store any kinda shit with 1GB of space, and putting songs into it, I can doubly use it as a mp3 player! I actually save lots of $$! HAHA!

As usual, I cycled to Tampines Mrt from my house. 1/4 way there, my bicycle chain fell off the gears. =( So I had to sacrifice my clean hands to replace the chain back onto the gears... clean -> dirty... and 1/2 way there, the chain dropped off again. T_T Now I had to sacrifice my dirty hands -> dirtier. Sigh... Washing my hands after that wasn't a problem... I feel sad that my bike is breaking down liao... my good old trusty bicycle! It has beeen with me for so many years, acc me thro my ups and downs (slopes), and carrying me so faithfully without complaints thro so many miles... However now it's whining and groaning to me (rust and worn out bearings)whenever I pedal it... Dear bike! =( It's outside my corridor now, the chain has fallen out again... HAIZ!

Anyway we took the Mrt and alighted at Bugis! We were horrified at the crowd queueing up to take the escalator! ZZZ! Being smarter than the rest, me and Jx walked 50m to the other escalator - surprising there were nobody using it! LOL. No wonder they say Singaporeans have a pastime of queueing up...

We entered Fu Lu Shou complex because a children karaoke singing competition was going on! So happening! We watched 3 kids performed, though only kiddos, arguably they are better than Proj. Superstar contestants. GAGAGA.

Then we crossed the road to Sim Lim and guess who we saw! Priscelia Zhen Si Mei!

She looks nicer in person with only light make up. Actually this isn't my first time seeing her outside, but the other time I saw her, she was wearing the same pink T-shirt... LOL. I was pondering whether to take a pic with her, but she scurried off with her mom liao. hahahhaha!

Anyways we entered Sim Lim Square (does the building look like a square btw?), saw somebody playing Winning Eleven, so me and Jx challenged him. Being more pro, we easily defeated him...leaving him cursing and swearing and complaining the the referree in the game was bias... O_O so we no bully him, and went to search for my m2 card.

I think it's only my 2nd time in the Square! WHa... all the shops look the same, selling the same stuffs. I went into a shop at Lvl 1 and asked the uncle... He said "$85".

Lvl 2 - $82. But got a good uncle told me to go Lvl 4 cos it's cheaper.
Lvl 3 - Didn't ask.
Lvl 4 - $80. This guy told me to go "Best Bargain" on lvl 5!
Lvl 5, Best Bargain - $65 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! The prices get lower as u go up. I can think of 2 reasons why:
1) Most customers are lazy to go up, so the shops below can get more profit by selling more expensive.
2) Gravity gets weaker further away from the Earth.

I happily joyfully gracefully paid for it. ^_____________^

End of Saturday...



Lunch - Boon Tong Kee Chicken Rice. Before 1pm, I thot the Boon Tong Kee at Katong was the best. After 1pm, I changed my mind, the one at Balestier Road IS THE BEST!!!!

Just how good it was:

HAHAHAHAHHA!!!! Everything was excellent, from the fragrant rice to the exotic chilli to the tender chicken! If the one at Katong is 9/10, this one is 99/100.

My whole family loves travelling ard to try good food, hence we walked 200m to try out Loy Kee Chicken rice.

It was "HUH? you call this Chicken Rice?" versus Boon Tong Kee. The picture shows it I guess! Haha. But we saw Hong Hui Fang and her kids there.

It's already 6.44pm! I haven't done my tuts! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye for now, thanks for ur patience! Please dispose of your popcorn bag into the nearest dustbin, see you again! =)


Yesterday I lost some money! I had this feeling Newcastle would win Liverpool and I told Jx abt it... Then he specially went over to Singapore Pools outlet to check out.. the odds were 3.95! But so suay, when he called me, I was in the toilet... DANGS! So didn't buy in the end... and Newcastle really won!! T_T Somebody give me back the money! ROAR.

Friday, February 09, 2007


Poor old Ronald has been lonely for decades, time to give him some company.



See how happy both of them are now. =]

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Kids are getting smarter!

I must say, the children nowadays are much smarter and more blessed than before. Even Primary school students own a mobile phone now! I only had mine in jc1! And thinking back now, I really am surprised how we all managed to survive. HAHA! U can't sms ur fren, can't call ur fren whenever u want, and I think that's why ppl didn't dare to be late for gatherings, because you can't call/sms ur fren saying, "paiseh! my dog ate my keys, so I couldn't leave house on time!" LOL.

Anyways, have you seen people using self-edited words like "pressie", "lunchie"? Haha, rather amusing hor. But look at what this Sec 1 student came up with...

FEBBIE for Febuary LOL!!!!!!!!!! It's a class assignment somemore! I wonder how S. T. Thoroddsen would react if I wrote something like that for my Fluid Mech CA haha.

That's not all....

This student hopes to get more marks for decorating her test paper.

Monday, February 05, 2007



I'm sure that when students got back to school and commuters got back to their work places today, one thing they sure discussed about was the match between Thailand and Singapore! And I think most conversations would have gone like this...

Avid fan: "Eh bung(brother)! You got watch yesterday's match anot huh? Singapore champion leh!"

Not a fan, but knows who is Fandi Ahmad: "Aiya, tyco one la, my fren say that Singapore play like kana-sai leh, passing like bird."

Fan, who still believes in World Cup 2010: "No leh, you cannot lidat say lah, they still young ma! Somemore they under pressure playing at Thailand leh, every time they kick the ball hor, very scared sekali is kick bomb sia."


Just 5 metres away...

Jianxiang, crazily clapping and singing: "Singapore! Singapore!"

Rest of us: "Err......let's go back to the LT." *trying to muffle our giggle*


Ok anyways, I find it rather interesting that whenever I mention Lip Tong to my ME friends, they'll go, "Wah! You know him ar?! Who ar who ar?!" LOL. Apparently my dear friend Lip Tong (He just signed in onto MSN haha) is quite famous in Engin! Personally I think he's omnipotent in every ME module we're taking. Haha. Actually he's very helpful, he always tries to answer ppl's doubts! But I'm impressed that his answers are like textbook kinda explanations. HAHA. Nothing bad abt that.

Anyways we're taking the same arts module together, and this afternoon, while in it...

Lip Tong: "I used only one piece of tissue leh."

Friday, February 02, 2007

abcd (i'm lousy at titles too)

The previous Wednesday was "Liberation Day" as my dad called it, and we went for dinner outside. This was absolutely great.

One whole fresh fish sliced to perfection into succulent pieces, you put them into the delicious thick soup, wait for them to be cooked, take them up and put them into ur mouth. Instantly the refreshing freshness of the fish fills every corner of your mouth. Make sure you relish the freshness.


So Shiok in lecture. Sleep without slippers somemore.


I absolutely disgust inconsiderate shoppers who conveniently push the supermarket trolleys filled with their buys all the way to their void deck. If they return the trolleys after that, fine. But if the stupid shoppers don't, the trolleys get abandoned. The supermarket loses another trolley.

Why are ppl so inconsiderate? Why can't they spare a thot for others? Why do they want to squeeze into the train before passengers have alighted? Haiz.

In future if I open a supermarket, I make sure I employ trolls to guard my trolleys.


Me and Bee went to MPSH4 to donate our precious blood after school today! Luckily there wasn't many ppl, so the whole process was smooth. Bee was glad she finally could donate this time, cos the last few times she got rejected because her haemoglobin weren't reproducing enough. LOL. I everything also eat, so confirm healthy, confirm can donate haha!

I asked the nurse to be gentle with me, because I scared she anyhow poke me. haha. As my precious blood was dripping into the bag, the guy opposite me started to morph.

LOL! Just kidding la. He started to lose consciousness and his friend immediately asked for help. The nearest nurse saw the situation and shouted "reaction reaction!". The guy kena chicken flu! The nurses at once pushed him into a corner and isolated him from the others.

LOL. Just kidding. The rest of the nurses heard her and went to the guy's help. They stopped the blood flow, made him lie down with legs tilted up and the doctor came. HAHA. Machiam drama show, E.R.

In contrast I so healthy ma, so my blood flowed very fast, and I was done in a whiffy. So was bee. At the refreshment corner, we had birds' nest and chicken essence!! Shiok rite~!

LOL. Just kidding. (pls appreciate my humour T_T) We had packet drinks only la. HAHA. And also received certificates of appreciation! Not for drinking la, but for donating blood of cos.

Hey peeps! The festive season is round the corner again! Everytime the blood bank runs low on reserves during this time... thus if you guys are free, pls go down to donate blood! It'd go a long way to helping another in need, besides you don't need so much blood rite! Lol. Do some good for the society. =)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Quiz 7? or 8?

I know nobody wants to do my quizzes anymore. T_T

Question: What fuel does the bike run on?

Answer: _____________

Hint: 2 words.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...