Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ching is GAY

Yesterday is the 7th day of the Lunar Chinese New Year, and it's Chingay parade! Then I asked Jx, "How did Chingay come about actually?"

He replied, "Very long ago there's this guy from China who is gay."

I wanna say, it's not funny at all. It's not even lame, and it's not even corny. At least my corn joke reduced Bee to crutches. Haha.

Anyways, my best buddy Busy Roy who had been so busy the last few months he didn't even realise the GST will be increased to 7% (just kidding), had his KR Hall float in the parade yesterday! What an achievement! I feel so happy for him =)

Come to think of it, years ago me and him were playing marbles, playing hide-n-seek, catching crickets, swimming in the river, but HOLA! Look at how we have changed now! Ok la, I may be more suave and good-looking (bhb, lol), but he is the one who has a longer list of achievements to boot!


The Kent Ridge Hall float -
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And some other pics!!

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Neh ni neh ni poo poo, I have the ticket to enter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P

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Towards new heights.

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Getting ready for Beijing 2008...

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Having a BALL of a time!

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Ready, get set, GO!

Chingay was fun! I didn't know it could be this fun until I was there to witness. Being just metres away from the floats and dancers, I could feel their immense time, energy and efforts put into their performances. GOOD JOB ALL OF YOU! =]

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Sisters 💞