Friday, March 30, 2007


WHoopie! Had 2 tests this week, and I'm glad they turned out fine. So for the weekend, I just have to do tutorials and catch up on lectures!

I've been craving to go kbox! GRRR!


Nothing much to crap about leh =( WHY?!

Anyways, bee asked to repost her picture... so here it is!

Happy sha-la la!! ^_^

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Birthday, Bee!!

It's Bee's 21st Bdae today!!

We went Munchie Monkey's for lunch.

Buffalo Wings (somebody tell me where the name came from)

Little clams Spag in white wine

Chicken something something

Bee with her bestie! Her bestie Yuxin is such a nice girl! She surprised Bee with a small cake today, and made the banner at the chalet all by herself!!

=))) it's all handmade, and so nice!


Happy birthday BEE!! Now that you're another year older, must learn to make decisions le orh! And don't be so blur blur liao. -_- And don't be so forgetful! And pls don't be so blah blah liao. And don't ... (the list goes on and on and on......)

As busy as a beeee

Here's bee's pretty birthday cake!

I'll be updating about her wonderful chalet soon! Will be busy the following days due to tests and work to catch up on!

So I'm sorry you guys have to tahan abit without my nonsensical crap. HAHAHA.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Omnipotent Being

How can one person, no clones, no photocopier etc, be omnipotent?

That is, if it's CYBERSPACE!

Our very dear Lip Tong is well-known among ME2 students for appearing effortlessly everywhere in our module forums, I even heard that ppl misunderstood him as the lecturer. Because the answers he gave are all so coherent, well-explained and reader-friendly, we all think it is the model answer!

Just mention "Lip Tong" to any ME2 student. You'll confirm get one of the following 3 scenarios happening:

(a) "Oh, Lip Tong, ya I know, he's from my sec sch/jc ma."
(b) "HUH?! Lip Tong??? Ya! I always see his name in forum, at first I thot he lecturer!"
(c) "HUH? I don't visit forums..."
(d) "I don't have Internet."

ME2142 forum:

[Liptong] says:
why they like to post my name


Quote of the millenium:
2 weeks ago, Monday. Before seminar session...

(background: Muffled chatting + air con whirling)

Lip: "Yesterday I blogged."

Me and Myself (shocked): "HUH? You got blog? Never tell me..."


Lip: "Ya. Ivle forum lor." (add: silly grin)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Where's-the-lab day! (wednesday)

Today is a happy day!

COS NO LAB!! MUAHAHA! no lab = no need to wear jeans + shoes to school. I'm getting so lazy recently. In the past, whenever I've got a long day, I'd go to sch wearing jeans. But now, I just slip into bermudas, into slippers and off to sch!

Anyways, somehow I sense everyone's mood is getting lighter. HAHA. probably because ThursdaySSSSSSS (note: plural S) are official off days for everyone le! ^_^ Bee is so furious over that 'unfairness', she roars everytime I mention about this. Hahahhaaha. Bee's cute when she roars; just like a meowing kitten MEOW!!

I hear my name...


If you guys haven't heard of this, try this out.

1) Sit down. (Quite lame, cos I don't think you read my blog while standing up, RIGHT?)
2) Lift up your right leg slightly off the floor. Start drawing CLOCKWISE circles with your right leg.
3) At the same time, use your right hand and draw in the air, the number '6'.
4) Do you notice any movements changing?
5) Laugh and wonder why.

That's because your right brain cannot do these two conflicting movements at the same time. But if you can do it, you probably came from the same planet as Mr Jx. He can do it too. I think the wires in his brain are... mixed up.

If you guys don't know who is Mr Jx...

He with his Best Friend, and his favourite McCheesy.

Here's what he can do too!

He can bend his pinkie without the other fingers bending as well!


GUYS! Faster go take camera!!



Frankenstein showing his phone to a chilli crab.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Re-hi guys! Sorry for the lack of updates. Don't know why I didn't had anything to crap about. Maybe cos spicy chili crab stole the crap outta me. T_T

(Just pushing the blame)

The previous Friday night, Bee got out of her beehive and drove!!! Together with her bro as V-com, she fetched me and we went to Bedok 85 for supper! HAHAHA!! She successfully reversed parked her dad's big car (with my help of cos) and we happily joyfully gracefully hopped over to 85 and ordered food!

We had 2 stingrays, bak chor mee, chicken wings and sugar cane juice! NICE NICE!

Thanks bee for the great supper night! =)



It's Bee's birthday chalet this weekend! Looking fwd to the fun and food there! Hehehehe.

Ciao! =]

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Rather uneventful days recently, so nothing to crap about haha!

You guys haven't taught me how to add those "About Me" or "Wants" thingys at the sidebar!!!

And I've been watching the Muar video at least twice a day. -_-" I think it's so catchy, yo!!


Q: What's the most common food you can find in Muar?

A: Muah Chee.


Now, laugh out with me. MUAH-HAHA.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sibei Farni

Got this from Miss Yeeeee's blog.


Check out the moutains of biscuits sold at Carrefour.

Have you guys seen the kind of posters below? The title goes something like "Be the one to report it", referring to abandoned bags etc.

But why report? The owner of the bag has just bent down to tie his shoelaces only...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Art Attack!!

I packed my cupboards one fine day and found my Sec 1 and 2 Art Folios! Do you guys even remember doing Art Folios?! I like to keep historic items. Here are some art pieces for you guys to sample!!


And here's the one I'm most proud of... spending the whole of June Holidays doing it I remember... Had to find colours from pages of magazines, tear them into tiny pieces and stick them one by one onto A4 cardboard.

The outline is made using black colour string.
Nice nice?

Friday, March 09, 2007


Scenario: Blonde is getting chased by a murderer in her house. She turns a corner and suddenly finds a table with 3 objects on it! A gun, a pair of scissors and a banana. WHAT DO U CHOOSE! QUICK!

The Blonde took the banana.

Moral: Blondes are dumb.

Haha. That's what happened in Scary Movie 1.

I heard a few jokes on blondes yesterday.

Q: How do you make a Blonde laugh on Friday?

A: You tell her a funny joke on Monday!

Q: One lazy Friday afternoon, a Blonde working as a secretary decided to go home early. She quickly packed up and happily went home. To her surprise, she found her husband making out with her Boss in their bedroom! But to everyone's amazement, she closed the door silently and actually felt glad! WHY?!

A: She was relieved her Boss didn't catch her for going home early.


Here's the answer for Jx's quiz.

Answer: Red Riding Hood.

It's finally Friday!!!

Thank God it's FRIDAY!!!!!
Oh Friday, how much I missed you!!!

Ending school early on Friday is just so shiooooooooooooook. Hehehe. I love Fridays. I also love public holidays, and my birthday. (ok, fine)

Anyways, after school today, me and Bee took the Choo-choo train back to Tampines, and we had Ajisen Ramen for lunchie!!

Crayfish Ramen + softshell crab + ice lemon tee = $10.90. I didn't quite liken the crayfish cos it was dipped in sweet sauce, and hence the soup become tomato-ey. The softshell was okay.

Bee had Cha Shu Ramen + baby octopus!

I intro-ed to Bee the chewy succulent baby octopus one! She didn't quite dare to eat it a few months ago, but after I encouraged her to try one, she has been ordering them. HAHA. Try it, for those who haven't! It's also Busy Roy's favourite. Bee has a funny way of eating them... she first bites the head off. :( Poor octopus!! ALL THE BRAIN JUICE!! EWWWWWW!!!


Dinner, me and my parents went to the coffeeshop near our place.

I didn't know the rules are so strict now! Lol! At a coffeeshop! What next? Security guards?!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Boring Thursday

I couldn't claim a one day off today because I had to hand in my lab report... so might as well attend the 2 hour Fluid Mech (mad mad mad!) lecture.

It was lame. Mr High-Pants went thro tutorial solutions, some motion thingys, and ended the lecture at abt 1.30pm. Totally useless! Which then Lip Tong smsed me saying "somehow I feel cheated going for lecture today". LOL. Zzzz.


Warning: Nonsense ahead, skip if you like.

Anyways, imagine you're waiting for a lift at the 1st storey. Ding dong, the lift arrives, door opens, and a total of 5 people enter. Given that the building has 7 storeys, what is the probability that each person alights at a different floor?! Lemme try it out... hmm. I did badly for MA2216/ST2131, but I'm just going to try it. Lip Tong, you can correct me if you want.

P(5 different stops, given there are 7 stops in total)
= P(5 different stops out of a possible 6) -> (because you can't enter and alight at the 1st floor at the same time)
= (1/6 x 1/5 x 1/4 x 1/3 x 1/2 x 1) x 5!
= 0.167

Hmm. Considering very few people will take the lift from 1st -> 2nd, the probability of this happening is even lower lor. But it happened to me just now! But I was rather annoyed - because I wanted to go up to the 7th floor LAH!! LOL.

Now, what's worse than having the lift stop at 3, 4, 5, 6 then finally to 7, i.e., ur destination?


Ya lor, so suay lor, I was the lift operator.



OK anyways, I have another question to ask God. Burning, niggling question. NOOO, of cos it's not about Navier-Stokes Equation. My question will be, why does my nose itch so badly every now and then?!

It gets onto my nerves sometimes, I just wanna pluck it off and use a brush to sooth the itchiness.

About hunger and NS

I was so hungry this morning after tutorial at 9! Initially wanted to eat Mac (hey, it's so cool to have Mac at Engin!) but decided otherwise cos would be late for lecture... So I happily joyfully gracefully but hungrily hopped into Olive Cove to look for food! SO HUNGRY!!!!!!!!

I settled for this!


Note: One sandwich was already in my mouth.

I'm so hungry also now!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!! T_T


Anyways, everyone knows the guys go to serve NS after JC for 2 years rite? And then after 2 miserable years, the guys enter Uni and matriculate together with girls 2 years younger than them. So they study the same things, go tutorials, attend lectures....


here's what the 2 years do to the poor guys....

Buay tahan! Sleep during lecture!

Meanwhile, the younger ones...

Have fun!


So then, should NS be scrapped?


Monday, March 05, 2007

March on, March!

MARCH is here!!!! No, not Nissan March, it's the month of March!

Here are some things I'm looking fwd to, and what I can't wait to get out of my head.

Can't wait to be forgotten:
- GEK1042 Quiz 5% + Project 30% (Thank God I s/u-ed!)
- Fluid Mech CA (Not again?!)
- Lab reports (but they're still okay, considering I do RESEARCH lol.)

Damn looking forward to!
- Arsenal win PSV 3-0 !!!
- Buffet lunch this Friday/Saturday (tentative only)
- Bee's birthday chalet next weekend!!!!
- USA. HUH? I'm going to USA?! USA?! WAH!!! ^_^


The pic simply says it all - I'm happy ^_____^


That day Jx commented that my quizzes were stupid. And he said that it's very easy to set ma! So he thot of one and asked me to post it up on my blog, and see whether you all think it's a good one.



(dot dot dot)

And the category is - "Person".

As you can see above, each pic represents one word. So the answer is made up of 3 words.


Jx will treat every person who guesses it correctly to cold water at TechnoEdge.

Sunday, March 04, 2007



- Not suitable for children below 12.
- Parents are advised to keep all children away, NOW.
- I will not bear any consequences with regards to what effects you may show after seeing the picture below.



Saturday, March 03, 2007

Tongue exercise

Tongue twisters, I'm sure you guys have heard plenty of them. Here's some I know:

"Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers".

"She sells seashells by the seashore".

Alamak, so easy, I know you all must be thinking. "Wah lao stupid Me and Myself, you so lousy meh! The 2 so easy, I can say them out fast and quick, like an ang moh!"

HAHA. Anyway, that's not the point la. The point is, I have made up a tongue-twister, all by myself!

Here goes!

"Tata the tardy tarantula tasted ten tarry tarts in tartar."


I wonder if somebody is going to be sooooooo mad. =P
(no offence intended!)

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Thursday - self-declared 'One day off'!

I went to watch this movie - Norbit.

It's kinda of a romantic comedy, and it was quite touching. Some scenes were hilarious too hahaha! Didn't regret watching it, excellent for couples or groups who just wanna have a good laugh! Eddie Murphy is at his best again, himself taking on 3 different roles, and I couldn't even recognise him in one of them until JUST NOW when I visited the movie's site! I loved Norbit's character. =)

Rating: 3.9/5.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...