Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Omnipotent Being

How can one person, no clones, no photocopier etc, be omnipotent?

That is, if it's CYBERSPACE!

Our very dear Lip Tong is well-known among ME2 students for appearing effortlessly everywhere in our module forums, I even heard that ppl misunderstood him as the lecturer. Because the answers he gave are all so coherent, well-explained and reader-friendly, we all think it is the model answer!

Just mention "Lip Tong" to any ME2 student. You'll confirm get one of the following 3 scenarios happening:

(a) "Oh, Lip Tong, ya I know, he's from my sec sch/jc ma."
(b) "HUH?! Lip Tong??? Ya! I always see his name in forum, at first I thot he lecturer!"
(c) "HUH? I don't visit forums..."
(d) "I don't have Internet."

ME2142 forum:

[Liptong] says:
why they like to post my name


Quote of the millenium:
2 weeks ago, Monday. Before seminar session...

(background: Muffled chatting + air con whirling)

Lip: "Yesterday I blogged."

Me and Myself (shocked): "HUH? You got blog? Never tell me..."


Lip: "Ya. Ivle forum lor." (add: silly grin)

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