Sunday, December 25, 2011

2011 - A recollection and reflection

Only a few days to the welcoming of a brand new year, but 2011 has passed by so quickly it caught me by surprise. I mean, I didn't even feel the usual pre-special occasion mood before my birthday or Christmas! Other than a few holidays that I had, I can't remember other significant events worthy of a bookmark in 2011. Perhaps it has been very much a work-social-work-rest-work kinda year. If I had to choose an event as the highlight of the year, it would be the conquering of Mt. Kinabalu, hands down.

> In January this year I received good news that I would be posted permanently (until further notice, that is) to Auto Svcs. I said it is good news because I had specified my preference for it - and why so is because of the challenge, opportunities and the great company.

> In late January, TMSACO had our inaugural alumni public concert, held nonewhere other than our school hall.

It was an emotional one for me (not to the extent of crying) because of the rich memories stirred up. Our practices were held in our alma mater and whenever I'm in the compound, I feel like a student all over again. I peer down the corridor, into my ex-classroom, step into the CO room, and my mind visualizes the familiar sights, sound and laughter and friendly faces that were once the chapters of my secondary school life.

Picking up the ruan again was not an easy task but it was not a difficult one either. For the love of music and performing more than compensated for the burn on my fingers and sacrifice of several Saturday morning sleep-in/football. 值得. I also said this concert would pave the way for more to come, but it would alas be my last. I don't think I gel in the dynamics anymore... kinda old liao la hur hur hur...

> CNY 2011 was an awesome one because of the higher turn up. Many cousins gathered and we had fun like previous years. We visited our uncle's plantation and the train station, and definitely didn't miss out on the routines of the usual mahjong, eat mamee, taking of do-re-mi and jumping photos so reminiscent of CNY.

> Lazy to dig up history but I also had my first experience of travelling overseas for work in 1st Quarter this year. There ain't much to brag about, but nevertheless, a first. Haha.

> In March there was a spontaneous overseas trip with my buddies. I think we were rather exhausted from the pace and burden of work that we decided to give ourselves a well-deserved break. Planning was unproductive due to varied expectations and budget so we finally set on an easy destination - Batam.

Above: our first meal.

We didn't accomplish much there other than window shopping, thai massage, and... can't remember. HAHA. It was meant to be a brainless, slow-paced and relaxing holiday and the purpose was met. The only stress we had there was probably trying to escape the attention of the hotel staff cos we were bunking in 3 in a room meant for two. Heh.

> March-April-May-June-July was the busiest time of the year. There was a huge amount of work on my hands and as a result I clocked many OT hours, on most nights I found myself the only soul in office. :( However, I should say they were worth it because I could see my hardwork paying off. I didn't quite have a life at that time and boy, the Phuket trip came in really handy.

> Phuket trip in May with buddies and LL.

It was a promo deal we bought way back in August 2010. Only $98 nett!! And when May finally arrived, GOSH WERE WE EXCITED!!!

Phuket is a fantastically beautiful tourist attraction.

The pictures show enough. I recommend Phuket for everyone keen to experience a variety of entertainment and activities at a very affordable price! Choose to do anything from white water rafting, ATV driving, snorkelling and swimming with fishes, laying down on the golden fine sand and elephant riding to indulging in authentic thai massage or shopping along the touristy laid-back streets. Don't miss the famous nightspot Bangla Street for eye-openers and such. Haha.

We spent 4d3n there and it was a really well-spent and memorable holiday. :)

> Sundown Marathon 26 May. Ran 10km.

> Received a promotion in July. Am really thankful for all the generous support and opportunity. I received a number of congratulations on a personal note and am appreciative of that, too :)

> Went to Melaka over the weekend in July. First trip there. Had lotsa fun with the bunch of friends who were crazy and performed ducking/planking/owling wherever whenever. Summary of Melaka trip? "Queue. Eat. Repeat", as oyt put it. HAHA, how apt. In no more than 1.5 days we tried every good stuff there.

We also came up with our own homemade version of Visa dance.

"In Melaka without a Ringgit"

> An item off my bucket list in August - Conquer of Mt. Kinabalu. So awesome and memorable the experience was that in my dream last night I was climbing it a second time. Thanks to Me and Myself for the tedious planning, haha, and also to Temperamental Toeji for the tips and advice! (Temperamental Toej: Okay this time your name is carved =P)

I think I have said 'nuff of the climb in some of my previous posts haha. Don't want to bore you further, I'll just show you some more pics.

The group (I'm still amazed the group ended up having more gals than guys):

The picturesque and breathtaking view:

The signs along the way that gave us short-term motivation (Facial expressions at 5.5km and 8.0km were posed):

I recommend everyone to do this. Even oyt, who isn't quite a nature-lover nor the sporty kind, and who endured excrutiating calf ache to reach the top, commented, "I'm glad I did this."

> Was supposed to be indulging in salt-baked fish, tomyam soup, beef noodles and streetside fried chicken in Bangkok in October. Tickets (only $141!) and accomodation paid for, only for the unprecedented floods to wash our plans away. It was a real bummer, all of us had been jumping in anticipation for it before the waters came in. When they did, we were still optimistic and hoping for the best. But alas, we had to forgo the trip. Thankfully we bought travel insurance 3 days before the cutoff date! Not so bad! Right now still trying to gather the necessary admin and paperwork required to claim.

> In November I signed up for and attended an event by a SDN affliated partner. It was my first and don't think I'll go for another so soon, haha. But hey, I didn't go for it cos I was desperate - 10% of the interest was to make friends and the other 90% for the activity lol. Chek Jawa. Had always wanted to see Chek Jawa. The whole event was rather pricey at $99. But well there was a nature guide and a nice 4-course dinner that came along with it. Plus I got to know a few unique contacts.

> One of the best things that happened this year was the widening of my social circle. 'The Club', as members affectionally call it, is a facebook group specially created by founding father Levan, whose original intention was to find partners for his sister and best friend.

So he started by inviting all his single friends (with or without permission, haha), and members could then invite their own single friends. You would be surprised that the facebook page was created sometime in March, and within two months it had close to 200 members.

The many activities organised included:
  • BBQ
  • Pyjamas Party
  • Picnic at East Coast Park
  • Numerous KTV sessions
  • Sentosa fun
  • Butter Factory night
  • Drinking sessions at Winebar
  • Night cycling

As the number of active members got larger, it was more convenient to hang out in smaller cliques.

They went out for:
  • Movie sessions
  • Bukit Timah climb
  • KTV sessions
  • Countless buffets
  • Birthday celebrations
  • Golf driving practices
  • Zoo
  • Gaming and board games
  • Steamboat at wh's place
  • Wakeboarding
  • Cycling at ECP
  • Just hangin' out

And more recently, a Xmas gathering at Dawn's place! What an awesome way to countdown to Christmas as well as her birthday! Potluck was fantastic and more so were the games and laughter all the way from 6.30pm to 5.30am. We even had a gift exchange via Yankee Swap. Some of the gifts were hilarious hahaaha (handcream, colour pencils, 2 water bottles, Live Forever tea???!). I'm sure all of us had plenty of memorable fun.

Quite amazing how the fb group was innocently set up but how matured it has developed. Say, 2 couples have even 'graduated' from it! Haha. Discounting the stigma, it is cool fun to widen your social circle and have this ready group of friends you can jio for activities and such. In fact, many of us are already discussing on a NZ road trip next year... hope it materializes!

> Me and Myself turned 27 on 15 December 2011.

A great way to celebrate the strike of 12 by downing a Flamin' Lamborghini along to Happy Birthday by my friends. Really touched by the party of 8 who came by specially to make my bday a memorable one. :)


When I checked my recap of 2010, it ended with my personal hope for a rose. Unfortunately it didn't happen in 2011, but I must say the romance chapter for this year is earmarked with colours and highlights. Haha.

And it is always good to measure your resolutions. In the same blog post, my wish for 2011 was, "I want to spend my 2011 the way I want it - adventurous, and a learning journey with flexibility and freedom and making lots of friends along the way, and finding my direction."

Adventurous? Hit - Mt. KK, water rafting.

Learning journey with flexibility and freedom? Hit - progress at work.

Making lots of friends? Big hit - the Club and its activities hahahaha!

Finding my direction? Hmm. Abit ambiguous. I think I had meant drawing out my career path... half tick half miss.

I think 2011 has been a pretty fruitful year, based on the evaluation above. It has been quite exciting, the trips and the friends and the activities. Enriching, at work and social. Part of it was hectic, managing endless amount of work, and balancing family and social at the same time. The hectic schedule was a big part to my obliviousness of how quickly the months have passed by. Gosh!!!

With no projection of major events, I think 2012 will be almost similar to 2011. Work will still be work. The Club will still be hanging out as usual. Here's hoping for 2012:

  • New Zealand road-trip cum skydiving WOOHOO!!!
  • Hong Kong with family in June (tentative)
  • KL for cousin's wedding in Dec
  • Squeeze in a Bangkok trip somewhere
  • And a beachy place (Langkawi/Bali/Krabi/Boracay????!)
  • Smooth-going at work, with fulfilment and enjoyment
  • Stock prices to go UPPPPPPPP
  • Minimal public transport breakdown
  • Good health and wealth, haha
  • A rose???

Personal goals:
  • Join acapella society as a CCA 
  • Further studies. Take GMAT? Ha
  • Maintain Silver standard for IPPT
  • Be more patient when explaining/communicating
  • A more chiselled-look on my face -____- 

2888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 siao liao OTL omgwthbbq kthxbye.
Time for a recap of 2011.

Was telling my cousin what a strange year this has been. Not in terms of extraordinary events or unexpected happenings, but just a feeling - haven't been too aware of how quickly the weeks and months are ticking past...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Xmas!!

It is this time of the year that Orchard Road is unusually (ultra) packed with shoppers, party-goers, buskers, couples and families. The streets are romantically decorated with dazzling lights and extravagant accessories, christmas trees each standing higher and brighter than the other.

Have yourself a very Merry Christmas, my friends. You deserve a good celebration :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Work mask


Do you put on a work mask?

I'd say, better be comfortable with yourself than coping with contrasting, inner emotion-contradictory selves.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Show your appreciation, please

When I was a commuter like everyone else I also grumbled whenever the train halts to a stop between stations. God knows when it will start moving so I just cling on to the handstraps and stable my standing posture.

When I finally learnt about the system and its operations I fully understood why trains travel slower during wet weather; why they tend to stop in between stations; why at the platform the trains doors open and close, open and close. Even why the announcements do not come up as often as you want them to.

When I was not doing bus maintenance work I used to question why breakdowns occur, why buses are noisy and dirty, why buses don't arrive on time, why the a/c is freakin blowing hot air?!

When the workshop came under my purview I stopped questioning.

In spate of the recent happenings, it is very disheartening to read about the netizens' extreme negativity and the sensationalization built onto the mishap. These comments are most unkind and un-emphathetic. However, more often than not, they are half truths and are not objective at all.

I believe Singaporeans, at the end of the day, are still understanding and cool. Some understand the need for train speeds to be lowered; some cooperate to queue and board the buses.

Thank you for your patience and understanding because we are all doing our best to resolve this incident. Unfortunately you are not able to see the blood, tears and sweat that go behind the scenes but trust me, every staff is dedicated to make seconds count. When you stare at the urgency in their eyes, and witness the commitment in the body language of the ground staff, I bet you want to stand up and do your part too.

Our lady may not give the most friendly comments; she may not be technically trained - but I have full confidence in her, that her leadership and courage will pull the company to stride through this storm unscathed. And definitely stronger.


Today I bought lunch for every of my staff , in recognition of and gratitude towards their hard work and effort. A handful of them came up to me and thanked me personally.

It feels great to be appreciated :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Today cannot say I'm 26 liao

Dropping a birthday wish on your friend's wall is a ultra simple 5-second act but I tell you, the receiver's happiness is multiplied by at least 27 times.

I must be really blessed to have received so many of those on facebook, sms and whatsapp. Thanks to everyone for making my day and for those sincere wishes. =)


I always thought my birthday is another ordinary day until a bird shit missed me by a metre. Haha.

However in the evening, major, major train incident. Wish that we are able to brace through this together, strong.

Friday, December 09, 2011

The Busker and his Way

The rain had just stopped near Tampines MRT station. The floor was wet and the sky was dark. Crowds of apathetic commuters walked hastily past this busker seated in his foldable plastic chair, singing into mike and guitar in hand.

I was walking behind the sight-impaired man in his mid 40s when his song caught my attention. I halt to listen. It was 'My Way' by Frank Sinatra.

He was in his own little world, strumming the guitar to his own beat and tune, singing arguably just within range. He seemed totally oblivious to the pacy steps of the passer-bys. Unlike other flashy buskers in fanciful outfits and with kickass speakers, this man didn't seem to be performing to attract attention or for people to drop coins. He was disregardful of the external environment; he was just singing to himself.

Even though that during that 2 minutes only one stopped to show his appreciation towards his singing, the performer didn't care much - he made sure he completed every verse and every chorus of the song. Even though he wasn't very much a good singer or guitarist, even though he was not loud or good enough to attract passer-bys to stop to watch, he made sure he ended the song on the strum of the last note. With respected professionalism and dignity he entertained his audience.


And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full.
I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets, I've had a few;
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried.
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that;
And may I say - not in a shy way,
"No, oh no not me,
I did it my way".

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels;
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows -
And did it my way!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Heard of what having a 断掌 represents?

As explained in,

(extracted a portion below)


Always the first. First asian to sit in the position. First female to be in that rank. Always the first asian female to sit at the edge of the table with the highest backrest.

Now, I always thought palm lines could tell a story...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

So true.

We're going HongKong next June.

Don't say I no share! Tiger Airways only $247 per pax!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Took awhile for me to finally catch this heartwarming movie that all my friends have been recommending.

It was very touching, very pure and innocent puppy love. I think My Girl slightly topped this movie though.

But the female lead is incredibly sweet and cute!

I also want a 沈佳宜 in my life.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

When non-action does more good

You know the old saying that if you only talk or daydream about something ,yet don't take the first step to doing, you will not achieve?

Well, here's an exception of non-action actually doing more good. My friend had all along wanted to open a trading account to buy stocks and invest... he kept saying it for almost a year?

However, procrastination took over but it proved to be the winning solution - he isn't a victim of the global financial crunch. Good for him haha.

And I came to realise that my losses, albeit paper loss, are substantial enough to get me to Emirates Stadium or Yankee Stadium already.


Ok, it will only pick up.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eyes that see right through (and inside) you

Apart from the course on dining etiquette, we also attended one on "Leading with Actions" that was held over 2 days.

The content brought us along many realistic everyday examples at work and we were guided on how to apply the skills effectively - for example on giving feedback (positive and negative), how to influence ppl (using Cartesian logic, how interesting), how to engage your staff (one-on-ones) and coach them, and how to read someone's DISC profile in 30 secs (gesture, rate of speech and facial expressions). They were really simple tools that we all already know but are not conscious or diligent enough to apply them at work. Oh, the most interesting one that can be applied on anyone everyone had to be how to discover someone's intrinsic motivational values. Damn cool. We all did a simple exercise and I discovered I have 3 - freedom, experience and goal achievement. Am surprised with the final one actually. And out of the 3, I value freedom the most. Like a true Saggitarian haha.

Anyway, the trainer was a cool dude who boasts extended global and industrial experience. He has received training in subtle expression, advanced micro training expression etc... and he gives me strange vibes. He gives excellent eye contact and attentiveness when speaking one-to-one, but those eyes... the hard, steady vision on you... are almost Terminator/Predator scan-like. They are almost capable of reading you, your character, your hidden meanings, your secrets, your background, frighteningly quick. And accurate. You scrinch, he knows your next word is gonna be a 'no'; you look up when trying to recall something, he knows you're looking a visual memory. And you bet, he asks about your personal stuff and jots them down (what?!) - so he remembers. He is also "paid a bomb" to do counselling, coaching, to help organizations fire employees and other psychological stuff.

He talks to frontline staff and gets free hotel upgrades to suites. I am trying to describe him as a walking crystal ball. Whether you are telling the truth. Or not. What type of person you are. He works with people using their motivational values... Or perhaps he is not that intimidating - it is just a misperception because I know of his accreditations and experience?

Nonetheless, it sure is scary if the other person can read your every action or word.  Not that I have secrets I intentionally hide but it's like, you know, you don't mind telling others the colour of your undies but you don't want them staring at it, you get what I mean?

Haha on the other hand, he is like any other ordinary cool dude, he's married (to Audrey) with a kid (Evan, who is 3) (hahaha applying what I learnt!).

Now, I know I wouldn't want to date someone who is psychologically well-trained. My thoughts and opinions belong only to myself, thank you very much. Even if you read me like a book, I prefer you keep them to yourself.

P/S: He was a really effective and unique trainer and I enjoyed the course.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Random pics - of old school

Had 328 Katong Laksa for lunch. I think my last time there was 8 years ago!

The busy, narrow roads and the laksa reminded me of my teenage years, of which most was spent at Bedok area. My pals and I would take bus 10 or 14 down and stop at Katong area for meals, or the old-school Katong Shopping Complex for Teo Heng! =)

Omgosh, Teo Heng back then was real OLD SCHOOL. Prehistoric as compared to the smart finger-swiping touchscreen console now, back then it really depended very much on manual work. You would choose your songs from the lists filed inside a clear folder. You key in the song serial number and WAIT FOR IT. Backend in his control room, the shopkeeper would receive your feedback and then LOOK FOR, AND INSERT THE CD!!!

Lol. And you can't really skip the songs as you'd wish because that would only make the shopkeeper busy and confused HAHAHA.


I used to have a hobby of collecting sentimental items, for example movie ticket stubs. Only a few months ago I started to realise I have been doing that for totally no reason.

Now I need a good reason to continue keeping this stack of stubs.

I took a quick flip and realised one of my oldest is dated 2001 - Lord of the Rings.

Speaking of baseless collections, I also have a piggybank-full of old bus tickets! Haha those silly childhood tales - guillible and innocent, you'd believe whatever your mates say... Like for e.g. you know the peculiar numbers printed on the bus tickets?

If the 4 numbers at the top-right corner added up to 21, you can make a wish with it. On the other hand if they added up to 13, you can use it to curse someone... -_- oh boy.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dining Etiquette 101

Had a very enriching and practical course on etiquette that comprised of a crash course on Contemporary Dining Etiquette (theory + practical)! Our trainer is Ms Agnes Koh from Etiquette & Image International.

Contemporary means European. The American differs slightly and the trainer explained that we ought to follow the contemporary style since we were once under British rule and some things stay. But within contemporary, there are also deviations for e.g. the italian would dip their bread into vinegar.

Not very much an expert at it yet but I think I should remember some basics to contemporary dining. Here's how the dining table set up should look like:

Generally, bread on the left and drinks on the right. You use your cutlery from outside in. The glasses are arranged in a square with the water goblet at 4 o'clock to facilitate your frequent use of it.

Oh yeah, we even got to choose our main course prior. It is a 4-course dinner and you could choose from sirloin steak, cod fillet or chicken breast.

Special room with tables lined up side by side just for the training. Super longggggg set up complete with chandelier and candles it reminds me of castle and royal blood. There are also rules as to who should sit where, for e.g. apparently the guests and their spouses' are seated on opposite ends of the table.

Ha, so the gentlemen are expected to always offer their help to the ladies - when they move in and out of their chairs, check if they're comfortable etc.

You always enter the chair from the left and exit from the right.

And here comes the food!

Bread is always served first. You pick the bread from the basket with your fingers. Pinch only bite-sized pieces and apply butter onto it with the butter knife. Munch.

1st course: Appetizer

Ok, so we're not supposed to eat anything from inside the head and tail, just the body. It was my first time trying to de-shell a prawn using a fork and knife and it turned out to be super easy and not clumsy at all.

(Oh, and I played cheat, I ate the meat inside the head and the tail =P)

2nd course: Soup

This is lobster bisque btw. For soup, most of you should know that your spoon should scoop from the inside and outwards. There is a historical origination to it and it's too lengthy to share here, but it's actually quite sensible and we bought it (assuming it's true haha).

3rd course: Sirloin steak

Not too many guidelines to this but the general - always cut and eat bite-sized portions so you won't be caught in an awkward situation of talking with your mouth filled.

4th course: Dessert (Tiramisu)

Hold your fork like a pencil and slice the dessert using the longer edge.

We finished dinner with coffee and tea and Agnes advised it's always polite to say yes when they offer you any. Feel free to add creamer or sugar (brown is recommended, for original taste) and stir with your teaspoon using a figure of 8 method. Atas as it may sound/look but we later discovered it is actually not effective. Haha. I think the kopitiam clink!clink!clink! method is the best. CHEAPER BETTER FASTER, lol!

Some other pointers to note:
- no sharing of food with one another :( (we played cheat, but well, just to try the other main course)
- you only wipe your mouth by dabbing your left and right corners with your napkin. with your right hand
- you clear any misc food/non-food with your napkin. with your left hand.
- your arms should only go onto the table as far up as your wrists
- pass pepper and salt as an entity and always to your right
- you should eat with hand-to-mouth and not head-to-table

And this is the 101 to the art of hosting and dining! Hope you liked my sharing haha. We definitely enjoyed the course very much because of the knowledge and insights gained. The skills are very much practical and worthy to have. We also picked up pointers on how to dress and how to conduct ourselves at a social event. Thumbs up!

Random spotted

Rooster in my neighbourhood. (What the ???)

I'm thinking real tender, tantalizing steamed chicken hahahaha.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Monday off

I decided to take the Monday off because I wanted to extend the weekend plus I needed to clear my leaves before the end of the year.

And it was so wonderful - your Sunday nights don't feel so blue anymore because you know you can skip work the next day! And my phone didn't ring on Monday morning so I had an undisturbed laze in bed. In fact I was already awake at 8 plus but I forced myself to sleep in haha.

Didn't have any plans for this particular off day so I chose to spend it with my parents. We went to Joo Chiat to try this Vietnamese restaurant that my mom recommended. 

It's located in a shophouse at the corner. I didn't take many pics of the set-up but I must say the restaurant has a really old-school feel... the tables and chairs, the fans. They had photographs of their food all on a huge piece of wall so you can immediately identify what you want to eat. The menu was in Vietnamese alright but I was very surprised when their staff spoke in Vietnamese-English too! By viet-english I mean, you know, english with a very heavy vietnamese accent? If I had kept my eyes on the menu I would have believed I was in Vietnam. My parents and I placed our orders by pointing at the pictures in the menu, ahha.

Shrimp roll: Tastes exactly like the one we had in Vietnam. The mint leaves, the thin popiah skin, right down to the vermicilli inside.



Their pho was brilliant too - clear and flavourful with a right tinge of sweetness. For $5 the serving came bigger than expectation, plus succulent pieces of beef. And like any Viet dish you'll find your food buried under lots of leaves and vege you can't even name but our pho was slightly localized - less vege haha. And cleaner and greener leaves! =P

I would recommend this place for its authentic feel of Viet and value for money. Definitely coming back again to watch my coffee being made, drip by drip :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An ad come true

HAHA I didn't know this could happen in real life too!

There wasn't eye contact though :(

Monday, November 07, 2011

shopping for glasses

I was browsing for glasses last week in a heartland shop and the shoplady, being very service-oriented and friendly, asked for my preferences. She gave my face a quick look and advised that I would need a wider frame because, "你的脸很阔."

She actually said that using a matter of fact tone.

And like that wasn't depressing enough, she added, with much self-confidence,

" 你来对地方了"


But it actually would be hyper hilarious if I weren't myself. Haha. Stand-up self-mocking talk.


"It takes a public holiday for me to realize how much family fun I'm missing out on and made me thoroughly regret the decisions that I've made"

How true, I say. How true.

In time, my time

It was a P-Holiday I had been looking forward to all week cos there was gonna be K-lunch followed by fun in the sun at Sentosa with the OG peeps but 2 pulled out at the eleventh hour, reporting sick. Aww. The weather was BRILLIANT all day - sun was up and shining, clouds were big and fluffy, sky was blue and divine. Too badddddddd. But anyway the day was well spent too - yummy home-made lunch (porridge and fried bee hoon) courtesy of Magic Mom, followed by a lazy afternoon nap totally uncalled for, but equally shioksssss.

Quickly put on a t-shirt and shorts and went to meet Jx at the ever-neighbourhood-friendly Tampines central. Smuggled a Pokka green tea bottle into the cinema for 'In Time'. A decent movie with an interesting plot - how would you live your life if your time was measured in weeks, days and seconds? If he had a century to live, Will Salas (played by J. Timberlake) said, "I wouldn't be looking at the time so much." Well, ya... does that mean you can then enjoy the luxury of living your life at a slower pace? And does that mean you will end up brutally exploiting it, knowing you have too much on your hands?

That goes the same to our youth. We know we have time, we fail to plan, we live day-by-day, and when we finally realise time is ticking down, it's always almost too late. Someone once said, "Live everyday like it is your last." That's awesome. That would be living your days to your fullest but I don't think it's possible la. If everyone believed in that there would be nobody working in the supermarket, selling fish and meat in the market, operating the trains and buses etc. I would prefer "Do one crazy thing everyday". I am not advocating you to commit crime or arson but yeah, do something you wouldn't be doing in your everyday - it could be as simple as greeting the bus uncle in the morning, opening the doors for the person behind you... or something else like going for a run, sending a hello-sms to your old pal... you know. Signing up for language courses, logging into lovebyte, planning a family outing are also great crazy things =D

Jx also asked me what the movie was about. I thought it could be applied to the widening rich-poor divide in our reality. The rich are getting filthy wealthy and have absolutely no idea of how their counterparts are doing at the other end; whilst the poor are struggling to make ends meet and seeking ways to climb up the wealth ladder.
I digressed.

After the movie we did our usual, walking the malls... then filled our stomachs with KFC haha. The only person I enjoy having KFC Buddy Meal with is dear Jx. Basically it is because both of us adore KFC and when we get down to tucking into the juicy tender chicken, we don't need to care less of our unglammity of using our fingers, or how much of skin/fats we are adding into our diet.

I went home $220 less wealthy because I would be collecting a brand new pair of (deceivingly)-smart-and-decent-looking glasses! 30% off the frame and 20% off Crizal lenses leh + my current pair is deteriorating quite badly! Happy with my purchase. Early Xmas present for myself heh. Actually, that's an excuse la. I also spent $150 last week on bespoke working pants! I don't usually splurge so much on myself but ditto glasses, my current pants are losing their shape and fraying abit - NOT NICE!

It's almost mid-November and very soon, the end of the year... It is this time of the year that the solitude will kick in BUT NOT THIS YEAR! Have planned something on Xmas eve and I'm sure it would be an awesome time!

And time to reflect on 2011.... I remember vividly not too long ago I was complaining the first 3 weeks into my permanent posting feel 3 times dreadful than that... and that was in February!?

In time, I say, in time.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Arsenal I loved

Such awesome spirit and first-class display from the Arsenal that I grew to love. Been a forgotten time since I've felt such euphoria from all the goals scored, and the ultimate score-line.

We played like a team, each player was committed in his role and many a time you saw the boys covering one another. Alex Song was at his efficient best; Santos was shaky initially but stepped in with many timely tackles and a goal; Mertersacker's height served great purpose; Gervinho the livewire is proving a great strike partner for RVP, who excels deeper and bringing other players into action; Ramsey is providing some creativity and will do better if he toughens up abit. However, there still remains much improvement for Walcott who should be doing as much impact as he is believed he could bring; Djourou is as attentive as I was during uni lectures.

RVP is still the man. God bless he stays fit.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

How you spend your free time

After my mom got her HTC smart phone, she has been so into Angry Birds, day and night. After venting it at the pigs, she has moved on to the aquarium game, like:

Anyway, on one of the nights I asked her, "Mom, are you sure you're gonna spend the rest of your time like this?"

She answered, "Then? You expect me to, what, take lessons? At this age?"

Haha, ya hor. How would you be spending your nights when you are in your late fifties?

Then, it hit me.

I realised.... I am already spending my nights like how my parents are! Relaxing, playing computer games, online, slacking...

Have you seen this saying that successful people are determined by how their free time is used?

It's apparent that I am not gonna be one...

I really admire my peers who can still fork out the energy to attend night classes, do assignments and projects.

Friday, October 21, 2011

HK next year....?

Though we've been to Hong Kong countless times, it gives us beautiful memories everytime we are there =)

The weather, the smell, the language, the food, the familiarity and awesomeness of everything.

Do it while we can =)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It means thou shalt not divulge heaven's secrets.

I don't know if what I'd be sharing is a heaven's secret, but just felt like penning it down so 10 years down the road when I track back at this post I will know whether it had come true or not. Haha.

Couple of weeks ago I had this dream that I was playing 笔仙.

The first question I asked was, "how many girlfriends would I have?"

The answer that was returned - 3.

I then posed the next question, "how many years would I be in my current job?"


Still in the dream, thereafter, something happened and I didn't 'send' the spirit off as I should have ceremoniously done so. Shortly, I woke up and felt really spooked. It felt like I was enlightened with information I shouldn't have known.

Anyway, significance of the above answers:
- My next gf would be my last
- I would be missing out of the Long Service Award.

If the answers hold any truth, that is.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Annual affair

It's an annual affair that majority of guys here have to go through - to clear our IPPT window!

For someone who is as lazy and unmotivated like me I lead a sedentary lifestyle (notwithstanding the occasional soccer sessions) and I don't train until it's like 2 months to the closing of my IPPT window, ha. This time round I actually started slightly earlier, in late June, but it was only because I was training up for my Mt. Kinabalu climb.

So I'm glad I made the climb and thereafter I made it a conscientious effort to maintain a reasonable level of fitness so I can clear my IPPT. Am really really ecstatic that I maintained a Silver this year again! It feels damn good to hear your heart working its lungs out (pun unintended), you fervently gasping for every breath, your leg muscles tired from the exertion but you are so proud of your achievement because you had worked hard for it.

Like the morale behind Real Steel - it is not that you cannot do not, but you just don't want to.

That applies every morning too, when your alarm goes off. HAHAHA.


D&D 2011 - Winners' Night, at RWS.

Theme: Black & Bling

Massive event that started and ended with a bang! Kudos to the organizing committee for putting in some much commitment and effort into making it a memorable event.

My DIY blingbling specs and off-the-hanger red tie from one of my CO performances!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Random pic

365 days ago...

We had a short 3 months stint at Buses.

It was a rather enjoyable one. 

Friends were playing Words with Friends like there was no tomorrow.

On a few occasions we also took the earlier shuttle bus out so we can don't mind queueing 45 mins for the awesome yong tau foo at amk market.

We tried our hands at the speed gun. Cool.

Created a poster within 2 hours for the smile campaign. I still think it looks awesome, haha.

(This picture is my copyright and should not be published, distributed or shared in any other means without the written consent of the owner)

The night site visits to the depot were also fruitful and entertaining. Not everytime you could sit in the driver's seat for a posed shot.

And not forgetting the distinct smell of the Training Room that we spent 3 months in.

Sometimes you gotta look back at see how much things have changed.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...