> In January this year I received good news that I would be posted permanently (until further notice, that is) to Auto Svcs. I said it is good news because I had specified my preference for it - and why so is because of the challenge, opportunities and the great company.
> In late January, TMSACO had our inaugural alumni public concert, held nonewhere other than our school hall.
It was an emotional one for me (not to the extent of crying) because of the rich memories stirred up. Our practices were held in our alma mater and whenever I'm in the compound, I feel like a student all over again. I peer down the corridor, into my ex-classroom, step into the CO room, and my mind visualizes the familiar sights, sound and laughter and friendly faces that were once the chapters of my secondary school life.
Picking up the ruan again was not an easy task but it was not a difficult one either. For the love of music and performing more than compensated for the burn on my fingers and sacrifice of several Saturday morning sleep-in/football. 值得. I also said this concert would pave the way for more to come, but it would alas be my last. I don't think I gel in the dynamics anymore... kinda old liao la hur hur hur...
> CNY 2011 was an awesome one because of the higher turn up. Many cousins gathered and we had fun like previous years. We visited our uncle's plantation and the train station, and definitely didn't miss out on the routines of the usual mahjong, eat mamee, taking of do-re-mi and jumping photos so reminiscent of CNY.
> Lazy to dig up history but I also had my first experience of travelling overseas for work in 1st Quarter this year. There ain't much to brag about, but nevertheless, a first. Haha.
> In March there was a spontaneous overseas trip with my buddies. I think we were rather exhausted from the pace and burden of work that we decided to give ourselves a well-deserved break. Planning was unproductive due to varied expectations and budget so we finally set on an easy destination - Batam.
Above: our first meal.
We didn't accomplish much there other than window shopping, thai massage, and... can't remember. HAHA. It was meant to be a brainless, slow-paced and relaxing holiday and the purpose was met. The only stress we had there was probably trying to escape the attention of the hotel staff cos we were bunking in 3 in a room meant for two. Heh.
> March-April-May-June-July was the busiest time of the year. There was a huge amount of work on my hands and as a result I clocked many OT hours, on most nights I found myself the only soul in office. :( However, I should say they were worth it because I could see my hardwork paying off. I didn't quite have a life at that time and boy, the Phuket trip came in really handy.
> Phuket trip in May with buddies and LL.
It was a promo deal we bought way back in August 2010. Only $98 nett!! And when May finally arrived, GOSH WERE WE EXCITED!!!
Phuket is a fantastically beautiful tourist attraction.
The pictures show enough. I recommend Phuket for everyone keen to experience a variety of entertainment and activities at a very affordable price! Choose to do anything from white water rafting, ATV driving, snorkelling and swimming with fishes, laying down on the golden fine sand and elephant riding to indulging in authentic thai massage or shopping along the touristy laid-back streets. Don't miss the famous nightspot Bangla Street for eye-openers and such. Haha.
We spent 4d3n there and it was a really well-spent and memorable holiday. :)
> Sundown Marathon 26 May. Ran 10km.
> Received a promotion in July. Am really thankful for all the generous support and opportunity. I received a number of congratulations on a personal note and am appreciative of that, too :)
> Went to Melaka over the weekend in July. First trip there. Had lotsa fun with the bunch of friends who were crazy and performed ducking/planking/owling wherever whenever. Summary of Melaka trip? "Queue. Eat. Repeat", as oyt put it. HAHA, how apt. In no more than 1.5 days we tried every good stuff there.
We also came up with our own homemade version of Visa dance.
"In Melaka without a Ringgit"
> An item off my bucket list in August - Conquer of Mt. Kinabalu. So awesome and memorable the experience was that in my dream last night I was climbing it a second time. Thanks to Me and Myself for the tedious planning, haha, and also to Temperamental Toeji for the tips and advice! (Temperamental Toej: Okay this time your name is carved =P)
I think I have said 'nuff of the climb in some of my previous posts haha. Don't want to bore you further, I'll just show you some more pics.
The group (I'm still amazed the group ended up having more gals than guys):
The picturesque and breathtaking view:
The signs along the way that gave us short-term motivation (Facial expressions at 5.5km and 8.0km were posed):
I recommend everyone to do this. Even oyt, who isn't quite a nature-lover nor the sporty kind, and who endured excrutiating calf ache to reach the top, commented, "I'm glad I did this."
> Was supposed to be indulging in salt-baked fish, tomyam soup, beef noodles and streetside fried chicken in Bangkok in October. Tickets (only $141!) and accomodation paid for, only for the unprecedented floods to wash our plans away. It was a real bummer, all of us had been jumping in anticipation for it before the waters came in. When they did, we were still optimistic and hoping for the best. But alas, we had to forgo the trip. Thankfully we bought travel insurance 3 days before the cutoff date! Not so bad! Right now still trying to gather the necessary admin and paperwork required to claim.
> In November I signed up for and attended an event by a SDN affliated partner. It was my first and don't think I'll go for another so soon, haha. But hey, I didn't go for it cos I was desperate - 10% of the interest was to make friends and the other 90% for the activity lol. Chek Jawa. Had always wanted to see Chek Jawa. The whole event was rather pricey at $99. But well there was a nature guide and a nice 4-course dinner that came along with it. Plus I got to know a few unique contacts.
> One of the best things that happened this year was the widening of my social circle. 'The Club', as members affectionally call it, is a facebook group specially created by founding father Levan, whose original intention was to find partners for his sister and best friend.
So he started by inviting all his single friends (with or without permission, haha), and members could then invite their own single friends. You would be surprised that the facebook page was created sometime in March, and within two months it had close to 200 members.
The many activities organised included:
- Pyjamas Party
- Picnic at East Coast Park
- Numerous KTV sessions
- Sentosa fun
- Butter Factory night
- Drinking sessions at Winebar
- Night cycling

As the number of active members got larger, it was more convenient to hang out in smaller cliques.
They went out for:
- Movie sessions
- Bukit Timah climb
- KTV sessions
- Countless buffets
- Birthday celebrations
- Golf driving practices
- Zoo
- Gaming and board games
- Steamboat at wh's place
- Wakeboarding
- Cycling at ECP
- Just hangin' out
And more recently, a Xmas gathering at Dawn's place! What an awesome way to countdown to Christmas as well as her birthday! Potluck was fantastic and more so were the games and laughter all the way from 6.30pm to 5.30am. We even had a gift exchange via Yankee Swap. Some of the gifts were hilarious hahaaha (handcream, colour pencils, 2 water bottles, Live Forever tea???!). I'm sure all of us had plenty of memorable fun.
Quite amazing how the fb group was innocently set up but how matured it has developed. Say, 2 couples have even 'graduated' from it! Haha. Discounting the stigma, it is cool fun to widen your social circle and have this ready group of friends you can jio for activities and such. In fact, many of us are already discussing on a NZ road trip next year... hope it materializes!
> Me and Myself turned 27 on 15 December 2011.
A great way to celebrate the strike of 12 by downing a Flamin' Lamborghini along to Happy Birthday by my friends. Really touched by the party of 8 who came by specially to make my bday a memorable one. :)
When I checked my recap of 2010, it ended with my personal hope for a rose. Unfortunately it didn't happen in 2011, but I must say the romance chapter for this year is earmarked with colours and highlights. Haha.
And it is always good to measure your resolutions. In the same blog post, my wish for 2011 was, "I want to spend my 2011 the way I want it - adventurous, and a learning journey with flexibility and freedom and making lots of friends along the way, and finding my direction."
Adventurous? Hit - Mt. KK, water rafting.
Learning journey with flexibility and freedom? Hit - progress at work.
Making lots of friends? Big hit - the Club and its activities hahahaha!
Finding my direction? Hmm. Abit ambiguous. I think I had meant drawing out my career path... half tick half miss.
I think 2011 has been a pretty fruitful year, based on the evaluation above. It has been quite exciting, the trips and the friends and the activities. Enriching, at work and social. Part of it was hectic, managing endless amount of work, and balancing family and social at the same time. The hectic schedule was a big part to my obliviousness of how quickly the months have passed by. Gosh!!!
With no projection of major events, I think 2012 will be almost similar to 2011. Work will still be work. The Club will still be hanging out as usual. Here's hoping for 2012:
- New Zealand road-trip cum skydiving WOOHOO!!!
- Hong Kong with family in June (tentative)
- KL for cousin's wedding in Dec
- Squeeze in a Bangkok trip somewhere
- And a beachy place (Langkawi/Bali/Krabi/Boracay????!)
- Smooth-going at work, with fulfilment and enjoyment
- Stock prices to go UPPPPPPPP
- Minimal public transport breakdown
- Good health and wealth, haha
- A rose???
Personal goals:
- Join acapella society as a CCA
- Further studies. Take GMAT? Ha
- Maintain Silver standard for IPPT
- Be more patient when explaining/communicating
- A more chiselled-look on my face -____-
2888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 siao liao OTL omgwthbbq kthxbye.