Sunday, January 14, 2007


5 mins after my last post, my cousin msn-ed me...

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
hey you there?

Dear frens... visit me at =) says:
yuppppppppppppppppppppies coussie!

Dear frens... visit me at =) says:
wasssup? =)

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
eh this is very urgent

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
i was reading your blog and you know the biscuits?

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:

Dear frens... visit me at =) says:

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
this is very crucial because it determines whether or not i had a childhood

Dear frens... visit me at =) says:
errr, those very flat crispy coloured biscuits.....

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
how big?!

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
this is very crucial because it determines whether or not i had a childhood
this is very crucial because it determines whether or not i had a childhood
this is very crucial because it determines whether or not i had a childhood
this is very crucial because it determines whether or not i had a childhood
this is very crucial because it determines whether or not i had a childhood

Dear frens... visit me at =) says:
lol! it's abt ur 2 palms put tog, but circular in shape

Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
Ørigin§ jialejiale 소ㅛ더ㅑ믿 says:
i have no childhood.

I then tried to console her abit... so I said...

Dear frens... visit me at =) says:
well, at least u know captain planet, smurfs etc.....

Ørigin§ jialejiale says:
er no
Ørigin§ jialejiale says:
Ørigin§ jialejiale says:
no idea whats captain planet
Ørigin§ jialejiale says:
haha haa hahahahha


Oh by the way, she's only a few years younger than me.

P/S: Sorry my coussie! No offence, and not making fun of you okay? =)


Mr-Hero Lip Tong (I really find his name so difficult to pronounce. Can I call you Lip for short?) intro-ed to me this funny magic trick. I haven't seen it yet, but I'll just post it here for you guys to view!

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