Yes, I love NUS! (with exception to CORS, of cors. Today I thought of what it stands for. CORS - Clumsy, Often Really Stupid. WAKAKA!)
My first lecture today is at 12, so I reached earlier to have lunch! I have already planned to have the Muslim food at Technoedge the previous night! When I was queueing up, I saw a plaque at its display! It wrote "NUS Best Muslim Stall". LOL. It was fanta-bulous. :) I wanna have it again tml!!! ^_^
After lecture Jx accompanied me to do manual tutorial registration, it was over in a flash. -_- So next time, don't bother to ballot for tutorials at CORS liao. Just visit EA block 4th floor, tell the lady ur matric no., which slot u want and tat's it!
On our way to Arts fac, we saw Fab at the Engin Bridge looking so lonely and forlorn! He was alone, and reading lecture notes! Aww... but no la, he was actually waiting anxiously for his dear Mary had a little lamb, cos they're going out to celebrate their 1 year together! Awww... I hesitated whether to go to the Arts Bazaar because had been there yesterday already... but Jx pulled me along... and hey, we didn't regret it!
We spotted 2 netball goals and people throwing balls! We love this kinda games! Thus we went to playyyyyy!!
Task: throw as many balls into the net in 60secs.
Record: 1st-26, 2nd-24, 3rd-22.
I had 20 on my first attempt! Bloody hell I thot I could break the record, because precious time was wasted when the balls anyhow bounce or balance on the rim for 2 secs, YOU KNOW?!? So me and Jx tried for 3 times each...

Can see?
1st - Jx, 28
2nd - Me and Myself, 27
Ok FINE, you must be thinking "netball" sounds girly or sissy, I know you're thinking of that! But try beating our record ok. The toughest part is actually straining ur neck to look up, and staying in that position for 60 secs. LOL.
So good, you get a goodie bag for participating! And, top 3 will have cash vouchers! Then a lady from outside came and promoted Red Bull, giving us one sample can of cold Red Bull EACH! We also called our friend SY to play, though he failed to beat our netball record, but he definitely was better at the chest press competition, getting 2nd with 94 reps of 80lbs. We stayed at the games stall till 4 when they closed. Haha.
We gonna go down tml again to defend our titles, seriously. Prize presentation at 2.15pm!
Hey, that's what Uni life should be about! Fun, enjoyable! Don't mug mug, study study, do tutorials leh... After you graduate, it'd be work work and little play leh. So for now, must cherish school life... we all get to study, but at the same time must give ourselves time to play ma... For example the Arts Bazaar is always so happening... I experienced Uni life today! Fun + Friends + Freedom (+Free gift) = Fantastic! (All Fs, u noticed?)
To end off this post,

Don't you think it's true? =)