Thursday, May 15, 2008

3 months Internship = 3 months BMT???

WOAH! My frens and I unanimously feel that working at Keppel FELS feels like back into army days. Here are the reasons why:

1) Going in and out of the shipyard feels like booking in and out.

2) You can feel the ranking system in the shipyard. Us, clad in white overall, are like senior warrant officers walking ard. Then the groundmen from other countries are like recruits and corporals and look at us in awe and suspense when we walk past. They also give way to us when we climb stairs. o_O

3) Everytime we go onto the yard, we must always be in full PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) i.e. safety helmet, safety googles, overall and safety boots. It's just like during army, when the sergeants used to command, "Everything on!!!"

4) Lunch time is similar - 12pm to 1pm. We'll dash to be the early birds to the canteen so as to avoid the crowd. After a quick lunch, we'll hide somewhere to catch a wink.

5) Cannot afford to be late to report in the morning; also cannot afford to not leave the shipyard at 4.30pm sharp, or else we'll deem ourselves as very 'garang'.

6) We nickname the returning scholars as having signed on as 'regulars'. Indeed they are more lao-jiao i.e. experienced. Haha.

7) The most kua zhang thing is: Upon seeing my friend who is doing his intern at another Keppel yard, I actually asked him very naturally, "Which camp you from?"

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