Wednesday, May 14, 2008

HUH? Sorry? What? Pardon?

The words in the title are the ones I keep repeating when I speak to the groundmen. Now I understand why during the interview, they asked me if I would have difficulties communicating with people from other countries...

It will take more patience.

HAHA. Anyways, today, we CLIMBED UP ONTO AN ALMOST COMPLETED JACK UP RIG!!! We climbed the gangway, negotiated the tiny corners and crooks, climbed up and down the narrow and steep stairs. We saw the humoungous 'legs', the cantilever, the compactor, and the living quarters! Woah, the rooms look comfy leh. And they even have a sauna in the changing room!!!

And the most unforgettable experience - my first time stepping on a Heli-deck. :D WOO!

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And so, the inevitable... She was very looking forward to it.