Monday, May 12, 2008

Internship Begins

I woke up at a crazily godly timing today - 0500 hrs. Brushed up, changed, and left house at 0515 hrs. Crazy timing. This's normally the time I fall asleep during the weeks I prepared for exams. Met Jx at Tampines Mrt and we boarded the FIRST west-bound train. Met Frankenstein Fab at Bedok, and we rested our butts on the seats ALL THE WAY till BOON LAY!!! like wth...

Even at Boon Lay, the sun was not even up...

We bought some light breakfast and separated ways... I reached Keppel FELS at 0720hrs... Super duper early... birds just starting to wakey only!!!

What Keppel FELS is world famous for: jack up rigs.

It was very nice to see many familiar faces there. So my 12 weeks won't be so bored la! Haha. All of us interns attended briefing in the morning, before collecting our equipment....

- white overall x3
- safety boots x1
- safety belt x1
- torch light x1
- batteries x2
- ear plugs x1
- spectacles hook x1
- safety googles x1

Hahaha. Then we tried them on!!! We looked like this.

HAHAHA. I tried searching for pics from the Mediacorp show "The Peak" starring Li Ming Shun and Ou Xuan and Dawn Yeoh but don't know why they're not under google images. But yes, we looked like how they appeared exactly. Hmmm. feels smart! hee.

Anyways for the whole of today we attended briefing sessions... am glad to be with many likeable friends to intern together for the 12 weeks. We're under the Piping section. Am looking forward to tomorrow!

Lucky today's the only day I'll be taking public transport to and fro work. Cos they have both incoming and outgoing buses everyday. I can take their bus from the street just outside my house, and at the end of the day drop off at Tampines Mall. Wahaha so shiok!

It's now 11.32pm... gonna go sleep now le. -_- freaking early still. During normal holidays my night would have just started!

ciao guys! Take care!


  1. waha.. got stand by fieldpack or not?

    sounds fun leh, piping... can apply at home =)

  2. dangs... u don't anyhow play with pipes at home okay...


Sisters 💞